I am with you regarding the nonsense part.All the time? Can you bring up an actual example of this? A REAL example… please. . . I already told you that the scripture is not an argument for non-Christians. Why should I “think about it”? A nonsensical utterance will stay nonsensical . . . ?
I have difficulty arguing the point that God can transform an evil into a good. You don’t believe in God, and you don’t accept scripture as evidence.
I don’t know what you mean by good and evil. If they are not objective, one can easily transform one into another by reframing one’s view of moral reality, which would be subjective. None of this is material, so does it actually exist?
And, what is reality? While the answer is obvious, I do not believe we could ever come to an agreement.
So, why do I bother? Meh, it’s a long train ride back to the city.
The question I will answer has to do with where we see good come from evil within our daily lives:
- in situations where self-control is required, we exhibit temperance, industry, thrift and curiosity
- where we must overcome adversity, we exhibit courage, patience and perseverence
- with regards to others, we are truthful, tolerant, respectful, fair, humble and kind
We try to be virtuous in difficult situations and where it might cause harm to another to act in our self-interest.