Good morning! I joined this forum hoping I could find some advice and support regarding our situation. I am a 28 year old cradle Catholic married to a 28 year old non-Catholic, needless to say I am not the terribly well versed in the why’s of the Catholic church but I have gone to Mass my whole life and am trying to educate myself more as my husband goes through RCIA.
My husband was raised in Church of Christ (the no instruments version) in high school but towards the end of HS started attending a Baptist church with some of his friends because that’s where he felt more aligned. He did not attend church after HS except for occasionally when he went home and attended CoC. He isn’t drawn towards any one denomination at this time.
I mention in the title that he is an engineer because I feel that is an important detail to note about him. He needs sound logic and reasons and explanations and doesn’t place any real value on tradition or ‘just because that’s what we’ve always done’ explanations. He doesn’t get anything out of the Catholic Mass, but goes for me most of the time.
He promised me when we got married that he would go through RCIA and give it a try, but made no promises that he’d convert. I don’t want him to convert just for me, but I really want our family (we have a 1 year old son) to have the same belief system and raise our children with a solid belief foundation. The RCIA at our particular church is very dry and just seems to go through the motions of this is what Catholics do, this is what we do during Mass, etc. and he’s not getting much out of it. I recently connected him with someone in our diocese who works with young people much like himself to answer the questions he has that he’s not getting answered in RCIA.
His main frustration is that people go to Mass to get their card punched and that Mass does not spiritually feed the people. You don’t leave Mass any closer to God and you don’t have much to think about as far as what you can do during the next days/weeks to be a better Christian. He’s comparing this to a non-denominational church, for example, where the entire service is dedicated to thinking about and implementing how to be better Christians. I honestly agree with him here… Priests are not taught to be good speakers or to inspire the congregation, it is apparently not an important part of being a priest and you’re just lucky if you end up with a priest that’s like that. That is not the case for us.
The hard part for me, personally, is that I enjoy these other churches too but I’m left feeling like I didn’t go to church (eh, I guess punch my card…) that weekend. Like I said, I’m a cradle Catholic myself and I go because that’s what I was raised to do and what ‘feels right’ for me. I could never see myself not being Catholic, but I do enjoy the actual services of other churches more than I do the Mass. Does that make me a bad Catholic?
My husband has come to the conclusion that the entire Mass is centered around consuming Jesus (the Eucharist) and he literally sees no point in that. He asks (not being condescending) ‘who cares if you eat the wafer and consume Jesus, why does it even matter if it’s a wafer or bread or really JC?’. He thinks that Jesus/God does not care what church you go to or if you even go to church, only that you are a good person and help others and spread the word about Jesus. He thinks that church is meant to spiritually feed us weekly and that we go to learn about how to be better Christians, not to just eat a wafer.
He’s been given all of the normal explanations about where to find in the bible that Jesus said ‘do this in remembrance of Me’ etc. but he just doesn’t buy that Jesus was commanding us to literally do that ever week and he places no value on it. He says it’s all in how you interpret those sections and he thinks Catholics do that just for backup to their Mass traditions.
Anyway, I do not plan to push him to convert (not that he’d do that if I tried) but I’m feeling a little helpless here. He has such hard and skeptical questions and I never have good answers. Even if I go look them up, he ends up with an ever harder more skeptical question. He’s not being rude or condescending during these talks, he just isn’t the kind of person that could ever go off of a gut feeling or ‘blind faith’ as he calls it because he’s just not wired that way.
I am to the point where I think we just need to switch off going to Mass one weekend and a church he likes the next. Has anyone ever been in a situation similar to mine? Surely they have… I feel like I’m doomed to have a split household on this issue and it breaks my heart. I so badly want our family as a whole to be connected in ONE church, going to Mass together, doing small groups and joining clubs and just being a part of the congregation as a whole. I think that’s an important part of being more than a once-a-week church attender.
Please offer advice if you have it. Thanks!
My husband was raised in Church of Christ (the no instruments version) in high school but towards the end of HS started attending a Baptist church with some of his friends because that’s where he felt more aligned. He did not attend church after HS except for occasionally when he went home and attended CoC. He isn’t drawn towards any one denomination at this time.
I mention in the title that he is an engineer because I feel that is an important detail to note about him. He needs sound logic and reasons and explanations and doesn’t place any real value on tradition or ‘just because that’s what we’ve always done’ explanations. He doesn’t get anything out of the Catholic Mass, but goes for me most of the time.
He promised me when we got married that he would go through RCIA and give it a try, but made no promises that he’d convert. I don’t want him to convert just for me, but I really want our family (we have a 1 year old son) to have the same belief system and raise our children with a solid belief foundation. The RCIA at our particular church is very dry and just seems to go through the motions of this is what Catholics do, this is what we do during Mass, etc. and he’s not getting much out of it. I recently connected him with someone in our diocese who works with young people much like himself to answer the questions he has that he’s not getting answered in RCIA.
His main frustration is that people go to Mass to get their card punched and that Mass does not spiritually feed the people. You don’t leave Mass any closer to God and you don’t have much to think about as far as what you can do during the next days/weeks to be a better Christian. He’s comparing this to a non-denominational church, for example, where the entire service is dedicated to thinking about and implementing how to be better Christians. I honestly agree with him here… Priests are not taught to be good speakers or to inspire the congregation, it is apparently not an important part of being a priest and you’re just lucky if you end up with a priest that’s like that. That is not the case for us.
The hard part for me, personally, is that I enjoy these other churches too but I’m left feeling like I didn’t go to church (eh, I guess punch my card…) that weekend. Like I said, I’m a cradle Catholic myself and I go because that’s what I was raised to do and what ‘feels right’ for me. I could never see myself not being Catholic, but I do enjoy the actual services of other churches more than I do the Mass. Does that make me a bad Catholic?
My husband has come to the conclusion that the entire Mass is centered around consuming Jesus (the Eucharist) and he literally sees no point in that. He asks (not being condescending) ‘who cares if you eat the wafer and consume Jesus, why does it even matter if it’s a wafer or bread or really JC?’. He thinks that Jesus/God does not care what church you go to or if you even go to church, only that you are a good person and help others and spread the word about Jesus. He thinks that church is meant to spiritually feed us weekly and that we go to learn about how to be better Christians, not to just eat a wafer.
He’s been given all of the normal explanations about where to find in the bible that Jesus said ‘do this in remembrance of Me’ etc. but he just doesn’t buy that Jesus was commanding us to literally do that ever week and he places no value on it. He says it’s all in how you interpret those sections and he thinks Catholics do that just for backup to their Mass traditions.
Anyway, I do not plan to push him to convert (not that he’d do that if I tried) but I’m feeling a little helpless here. He has such hard and skeptical questions and I never have good answers. Even if I go look them up, he ends up with an ever harder more skeptical question. He’s not being rude or condescending during these talks, he just isn’t the kind of person that could ever go off of a gut feeling or ‘blind faith’ as he calls it because he’s just not wired that way.
I am to the point where I think we just need to switch off going to Mass one weekend and a church he likes the next. Has anyone ever been in a situation similar to mine? Surely they have… I feel like I’m doomed to have a split household on this issue and it breaks my heart. I so badly want our family as a whole to be connected in ONE church, going to Mass together, doing small groups and joining clubs and just being a part of the congregation as a whole. I think that’s an important part of being more than a once-a-week church attender.
Please offer advice if you have it. Thanks!