Our Lady of Hope has RCIA on YouTube–try topics from that parish
The Journey Home episodes may help–Alex Jones, Tim Staples, many others
When Only One Converts by Lynn Nordhagen–this one’s mostly to help you walk this path faithfully.
Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist by Brant Pitre–this one’s to help you both understand the Mass more fully.
If i have a disclaimer, it’s that I am not trying to be unkind, because I am in a mixed marriage, myself.
See, the temptation is to miss a Sunday here, a Holy Day there, to keep the peace. Because it makes your husband happier, and with less tension in the home and marriage, you are happier, right? This has to be better, surely?
Don’t do it. Your husband married a Catholic woman, this was no surprise. If you want, change parishes, but do not leave the Church Jesus built for one started by a handful of well meaning but misguided, sinful men in the last 500 years.
Recognize the feelings for what they are: the normal desire of a wife to keep peace with a husband, and a poorly catechized Catholic’s lack of understanding of the wealth and beauty of the Church she has been left. The best way to help your family is to fall in love–with Jesus, and His bride, the Church. Learn all you can, and be faithful to them.
Also–invest in The Catholic Home by Meredith Gould, and build family traditions with your husband for your family. Build the domestic church–pray together, for each other, for your child, for unity in your home and in the body of Christ.
You married a Protestant. It was no surprise. It’s fortunate you are if your husband will embrace the similarities and even attend Mass with you, please don’t be disappointed now because the unity of faith you want hasn’t been there the whole time.