I didn’t dismiss him. I know nothing about him and you refused to present his arguments.I’ve cited Hayek before and you’ve dismissed him.
I think my arguments are just fine. They do not need any aid. But thank you for the offer.I think studying him should be compulsory for the left as he can aid in formulating some of your arguments.
Seems like a continuum to me. Where is the magic point at which systemic racism disappeared? Please cite the exact date.Obviously one must demarcate between governmental racism as evident in apartheid South Africa and Jim Crow era US, and what today is referred to as systemic racism.
Is racism arising from spontaneous order any less reprehensible than a governmental law? I don’t think so. For example, if only one hotel in Georgia refused service to blacks, that would not be a problem. Blacks would just go to some other, equally fine, hotel. But if most of the hotels in Georgia refused service to blacks (due to spontaneous order), then blacks have greatly diminished opportunities. That is why we now have anti-discrimination laws that prevent that sort of spontaneous order from becoming established.This is where spontaneous order comes in. The idea of spontaneous order is that out of the choices of individuals, many individuals, comes a larger order which no one intended and which, consequently, it is very hard for a central power to control to any effective measure. Such is the market, for instance.
In the sense of spontaneous order I could accept that the many racist actions of individuals goes to form an order larger than itself. However that requires accepting Hayek’s formulation of the concept, which in turn means accepting his argument for a market order.
This is what I meant about a discussion. Why not refine your arguments? It can only help, especially in disseminating your ideas.I think my arguments are just fine. They do not need any aid. But thank you for the offer.
Genetic reasoning is not always a fallacy.Genetic Fallacy. That’s enough for me to know the ultimate fate of this thread.
www.princeton.edu/~smello/papers/cops.pdfIf the police were not such a problem
The Republican mayors are far less likely than Democrats to tell their police to stand down during riots and destruction. Please see Minneapolis, Seattle, and Portland.Republican mayor would produce fewer murders