Truth is truth my friend. It can’t be watered down to play to those who are immersed in sin. I see no reason it is not murder. All you argue is that certain states in the past have had lenient sentences in your opinion.How do you not get it? Its so simple. Neither this nation or any other nation at the present time has ever believed that the offense was equivelant to murder either in the commission of the act, the conviction (it has never required a grand jury), nor by the penalties laid out. This is where we stand regarding secular societies. Only the Church recognizes the gravity of this matter and thus the battle must be waged on the terms that the Church can address.
Who is calling for violence? Be careful when you use the word hypocrite. You may be accusing yourself, as well.Those who resort to violence against the providers as well provoke me to violence against themselves for being so hypocritical in thier endeavors.