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FX had a drama program on what would happen if a terrorist introduced smallpox in our population. At the very end the guy who started it turned out to be a religious fanatic. A Muslim? Oh no, he was a Christian fundamentalist. How utterly ridiculous. At a time when Islamic fundamentalists are trying to get exactly such weapons to use on us who do they think is the danger? The baptists. I may have my problems with baptists, but they are not deranged killers or terrorists. This is exactly our problem these days. We ignore the REAL threat and concentrate on those who pose no threat at all. The only fundamentalists trying to get bio weapons are Islamic ones. This pc stuff is going to kill us, literally.
I agree,we as Catholics and other Christians are being demonised everywhere.I hope that God uses our rebelliousness to decide now that Christianity is a no no in society,we had better become one:D Wouldn’t that just drive the radical feminist mad?:clapping: I hate to admit it but evrytime our president does something to protect life I run to the computer and go straight to the planned parenthood’s site and revel in their panic.I guess I am tired of sin and misery being proclaimed as a right or choice,while our city’s rot from within.Sorry for sounding deppressing.God Bless
Makes me think of when Kennedy was assassinated. Everyone, I mean everyone, assumed right away that a right-wing nut did it! Then it came out that it was this wannabe communist who had actually gone to the USSR and married a Russian gal.

Boy, the air sure went outta that one. Then the next thing you know, the pundits were saying “we ALL killed JFK”! That line even made it into the Stones’ Sympathy for the Devil or whatever that song was. You see, with this crowd black is white, white is black, and so forth.
FX had a drama program on what would happen if a terrorist introduced smallpox in our population. At the very end the guy who started it turned out to be a religious fanatic. A Muslim? Oh no, he was a Christian fundamentalist. How utterly ridiculous. At a time when Islamic fundamentalists are trying to get exactly such weapons to use on us who do they think is the danger? The baptists. I may have my problems with baptists, but they are not deranged killers or terrorists. This is exactly our problem these days. We ignore the REAL threat and concentrate on those who pose no threat at all. The only fundamentalists trying to get bio weapons are Islamic ones. This pc stuff is going to kill us, literally.
Kind of like airport screenings that “randomly” select the old granny, the pregnant woman, the U.S. military officer, the children at the same rate that they check young Arab men. God forbid, they use “racial (or ethnic) profiling”. That would be so unfair.
The Christian FUndamentlist are not like the Muslim ones. They want to destroy Catholicism as a Gateway for the New World Order.
FX had a drama program on what would happen if a terrorist introduced smallpox in our population. At the very end the guy who started it turned out to be a religious fanatic. A Muslim? Oh no, he was a Christian fundamentalist. How utterly ridiculous. At a time when Islamic fundamentalists are trying to get exactly such weapons to use on us who do they think is the danger? The baptists. I may have my problems with baptists, but they are not deranged killers or terrorists. This is exactly our problem these days. We ignore the REAL threat and concentrate on those who pose no threat at all. The only fundamentalists trying to get bio weapons are Islamic ones. This pc stuff is going to kill us, literally.
I have to agree with you on this one, Cestus. This is an example of political correctness gone overboard. They don’t want to stereotype all Muslims. I think this is a good policy, but this sounds absurd. Why would people who live in this country want to kill everyone?
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