Smiling at strangers?

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I like to smile at random people,

I have a wonderful boyfriend, and we’re very happy together. …a smile, but it’s one of the first precious memories that I have of my boyfriend; we smiled at each other during the sign of peace during Mass, before we even knew each others’ names.
0.o Help?
I love that you smile at random people to brighten their day.

I am so confused on your boyfriend and your daisypath signature of being married 3 years 6 months…

Keep smiling:)🙂
Perhaps it’s who you hang around with, or where you hang out? Maybe there’s some weird people there? You should live in Canada: we smile at strangers all the time.😃
People would assume you’re up to something nefarious if you don’t smile at them and make small talk … 😛
Years ago, I did a presentation on the Ministry of Smiling. To my regret, my husband unknowingly threw away my file. It was well received by the CYO. Smiling is a ministry. Smiling is a sign of peace. You show the warmth and love of Christ through a smile. To a person, you may be the only one who smiles at them that day. You give worth to the dignity of a person. I greet everyone I meet, as did my mother. There is power in an act of kindness. Sometimes people do not give you the opportunity to exchange a smile, for their own reason(s). Perhaps they are shy or do not trust strangers. If a man is alone, I say hello and after acknowledged, I turn my head away. This will indicate that I am not interested in this turning into anything more. I feel it is an insult not to recognize a fellow human being when in his/her presence. Not everyone feels that way. In this world, there is little you can do for strangers except to validate them by a smile or hello. I see nothing wrong in your friendliness. God bless you!
I hear ya, totally same story for me. Easier now that I have my little kids always with me. If you’re worried about young guys but don’t want to glare at them all, smile and look away somewhat quickly and don’t look back. Older ladies you can make eye contact with longer, guys be careful. You’re right - don’t want to lead them on, and some guys take anything other than outright maliciousness as an invitation.

Glad there are other “smilers” out there!
I guess the original post was Dec. 2006. The OP was last active at CAF in June 2011.

Hopefully she is still smiling. 🙂
Hahahaha, I think I make my roommate feel better with my presence…She says I am always smiling and so happy. A lot of the times I feel like I go into my room feeling stressed after a long day in classes, so I don’t know how I can be smiling? But I guess I do, and she always smiles back at me!
Wherever I’m at, if I put a smile on by thinking of somthing funny or good, and walk into a store, I am amazed at people suddenly going from zero to a big grin at me. Now of course some people don’t but there are quite a few who do.

Sometimes I forget I’m smiling and I ask myself the question, “what are they smiling at?” and then I wake up and realize that I’m smiling. It is a thrill to see that you can put a smile on someone’s face by doing so little. And one of the ideas that helps is to realize that God loves everyone and to smile at them is to smile at him.

And I’m not pretty at all.
This is the best spot I could come up with for this thread…

I like to smile at random people, when I’m out shopping, in between classes, etc. It’s amazing what a smile can do, and I love trying to make even just one person’s day brighter. I know I’ve cheered up before because of some small random act of kindness, like a smile.

I’m struggling with whether I should smile at young men my age. I have before, and some have taken it completely the wrong way. x.x I dress modestly and I don’t wear makeup, partly in an attempt to make sure I don’t atract any more attention from guys than is necessary. I have a wonderful boyfriend, and we’re very happy together. I’m at the point where I almost glare down most guys my age. I don’t want to lead any of them on, or encourage any crushes they might have on me… but I want to do it charitably. Is this just silly? Reading it over, it seems weird that I’m placing this much weight on a smile, but it’s one of the first precious memories that I have of my boyfriend; we smiled at each other during the sign of peace during Mass, before we even knew each others’ names.
0.o Help?
Go ahead and smile; the confusion’s likely not as bad a problem as the good you provide.

I can’t help but think (a) too many young women have picked up the mean look, the severe black eyeglasses thing, harsh schoolmarm; (b) a smile really at the end of the day is a sign of confidence in yourself.
It is much easier to just be nice to everybody and to smile, than to think of how to be NOT nice.

A smile you give to a stranger could be just what someone needs that day. Seeing someone’s face light up when they look at you, and they don’t even know you is just a nice feeling, it is unconditional, and like a visual hug 🙂

I wouldn’t worry about how the smile may come across to guys, I think your smile and eyes would automatically read that it’s just a friendly “Hey, hope you’re having a nice day!” smile. 🙂

And that is such a sweet way you met your boyfriend. Shhhh, I’m secretly hoping someday that may be how I meet my future spouse. I’m still single and I’m really longing for a partner, and it would be wonderful to meet through the parish, during the sign of peace. 🙂
When I was younger a friend of mine (future Priest at the time, and one now) came into my workplace to do some business. He did not know I worked there and I did not notice him waiting. When his turn came, he told me, “You have the apostolate of the smile!” I continue smiling at strangers. It has never gotten me into any trouble.

Today, on my way home, I made small talk with a man on the bus about the rain. He told me he had returned from Afghanistan three months ago. I welcomed him home and thanked him for his service. He put out his hand and we shook hands. I could see he was genuinely touched. He told me I was the first person to thank him. He even wore his military ID on Veterans’ Day, he said, and no one thanked him! I told him I’d keep him in my prayers.

Keep smiling! God is crazy about you, and this way you can spread His love!👍

Ps. I do ask to Guardian Angel to protect me every time I step out (of the house, market, etc.). I am not alone as I smile!
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