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Ive smoked almost ten years now and havent been able to stop. Does the Catholic church see this as inherently sinful? If so is it a grave sin? Ive always referred to this verse when my conscience tells me no. I’m interested in additional opinions.

Matthew 15:11 KJV

Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man.
This is a concern. I “studied” the topic and found no relevant evidence that smoking tobacco is absolutely a negative or an evil. It may be bad for your lungs and overall physical health. But, snuff was once popular. Snuff - I think - is the use of tobacco as inhalant. Try to stop smoking for your health. But, again, I do not see any exact wording that smoking tobacco is sinful.

One may follow the Church who does not recommend tobacco use - but, the Church does not condemn it.

Good post.
Do you consider your body a temple of the holy spirit?

Smoking can cause cancer, emphysema, etc. Your clothing will stink, your teeth can turn yellow and your voice will go hoarse.

I have relatives that smoke…and I don’t like being around them.
Ive smoked almost ten years now and havent been able to stop. Does the Catholic church see this as inherently sinful? If so is it a grave sin? Ive always referred to this verse when my conscience tells me no. I’m interested in additional opinions.

Matthew 15:11 KJV

Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man.
No. The Church does not teach that smoking cigs is inherently sinful. I’ve been told by priests that it’s not even a sin.
Smoking is just really bad for our health.

nojesusnopeace, I am a smoker too, but am transitioning to those e-cigs (vapor cigs). I suggest looking into it if you’re interested in quitting smoking. This isn’t smoking. It’s just vapor, but hits like a burning tobacco cig.
I’ve been smoking ecigs for a week now, bought a couple of those “blu” brand e-cigs at the gas station for starters, and they’re really good. WAY better for you than lighting up tobacco. And my breathing and sense of taste have already improved a lot.

I’ve checked those Vape stores around town, done a bunch of research, and just today finally purchased a “vape” starter kit online.

Tobacco cigs just gross me out already, and I can’t wait for my new “Vape” kit to arrive.

Here’s what I purchased today. The VaporFi “Pro Starter Kit”

Investigate for yourself online (reading articles online and watching youtube videos)

Anyway, just thought I’d share, if you’re interested in a much healthier alternative to smoking. I think you’ll find it’s a really great alternative, and in short time even enjoy it way more than smoking.

God bless.

p.s. Also, no more stinky breath and clothes. Just a vapor that disappears as soon as you exhale it.
Although I don’t smoke I’ve had the same question. I’d say smoking infringes the 5th Commandment of God: “You shall not kill”, because smoking may cause serious health damage. I think the 5th commandment relates with the care we should take for our health; not just about “killing”. I’d say you could consult a priest if in your case your responsibility is minor while you’re able to change this habit; in case that you have a strong purpose to leave smoking.
Ive smoked almost ten years now and havent been able to stop. Does the Catholic church see this as inherently sinful? If so is it a grave sin? Ive always referred to this verse when my conscience tells me no. I’m interested in additional opinions.

Matthew 15:11 KJV

Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church says…

Scroll down to 2290…

Are you also respectful of others around you who have breathing problems, heart problems, Raynaud’s Disease, allergies, asthma, etc. or who don’t want to be around smoke for health, or other, reasons?

As to whether or not it is a grave sin depends on a bunch of factors. Are you smoking alone? Are you smoking around pregnant women, children?

I’ve seen people smoke in hospitals almost up to an oxygen tank.

I had a friend who insisted on smoking, and we were in a car…with a gas leak!
I’ve had friends who, when asked not to smoke, smoke anyway. I had severe breathing attacks for years, and being around the smoke of my coworkers, before there were laws, didn’t help my health. They smoked, and I suffered.

In that case where it clearly hurts someone’s health, and someone does it despite requests to desist in his/her presence, I think it is a stronger concern insofar as sin is concerned. Someone could actually die if someone has a severe enough health problem as a result of second-hand smoke.

One friend who smoked would come over for a few minutes, and my apartment would smell for 3 days.

It also hurt his own health since he had asthma, himself, but these are addictions.
Smoking also has a high cost insofar as sickness is concerned. It pushes up people’s health premiums, premature death, and illness, both of the smoker and those around.

Some families might lose their “breadwinner” due to smoking then have to try to make it without him, wife and children alone, say.

Although, I can’t really say I’m free of addictions since I overeat, but since you asked, smoking can be a problem and a sin. It causes huge amounts of loss of income, etc.

Smoking is also a “gateway drug”. People often start with cigarettes, then move on to the next thing. It´s very rare where someone goes cold turkey and to hard drugs. It usually moves in a progression.

What Christ was talking about was food. Cigarettes, alcohol, and drugs are something else, can be addictive, and yes, what goes in, in that case, CAN cause problems.

I once stepped on a lit cigarette at the beach as a kid. I wonder how many forest fires have been started by cigarettes…and how many deaths by people smoking in bed. Fire is supposedly one of the most painful ways to die.
I once had a friend who smoked. She was ultrapoor. I helped her work out a budget to some degree, and I told her if she would give up cigarettes, she’d be able to afford diapers for her son. She said she’d rather have cigarettes than food.
Of course smoking cigarettes is a grave sin. To knowingly engage in behavior that is seriously destructive to one’s health (and could potentially lead to death) is without a doubt a sin. The blessings of life and good health are a gift from God, and to squander it by regularly partaking in such a disgusting habit is like spitting in God’s face.

Plus, smoking can expose innocent bystanders to harmful effects, whether it is through impacting immediate company with second-hand smoke, or contaminating a room with tobacco/nicotine residue which leads to third-hand smoke. The harm is not confined to the smoker, but rather it spreads and lingers. It’s basically a poison to society.

Also, purchasing cigarettes directly funds the tobacco industry, which is responsible for hundreds of thousands of death each year… which kinda makes all smokers complicit in the devastation wrought by these vile corporations that profit off the slow decay of their customers.

Doing something that poses harm to oneself and others is clearly a sin, plain and simple. And I don’t say this to be judgmental or anything, but rather to emphasize the seriousness of this sin. We should condemn smoking and pity the smoker. We should be putting some effort toward freeing smokers from this habit. I’d even assert that combatting smoking should be more of a priority for religious folk, rather than some of the more innocuous distractions that attention is wasted on (because seriously, there are way too many Christians who smoke and think nothing of it, so clearly some better messaging is required to get followers of the faith back on track).

It breaks my heart to see people slowly kill themselves with those death sticks, not realizing the gravity of their poor decisions. They become trapped by their addiction, trying desperately to rationalize the necessity or innocence of their vice. Don’t fall into that mentality. Don’t even question if smoking is a grave sin, because it obviously is. The only question is this: What will smokers do to combat this horrible habit? The path to healing begins with a single step, and we should urge people to take that step.
Of course smoking cigarettes is a grave sin. To knowingly engage in behavior that is seriously destructive to one’s health (and could potentially lead to death) is without a doubt a sin. .
This is pretty harsh. We can’t say it’s a grave sin, since it’s an addiction, usually entered into when a person is too young and ignorant to realize what he’s getting himself into.
Nobody starts smoking once they become an actual adult, with some intelligence.
And most smokers would love to quit. but it’s not easy.

To anyone who wants to quit, I suggest talking to your doctor, who may have suggestions or help. E-cigarettes are said to help, although note that nicotine poisoning in small children has increased a great deal since E-cigs became popular.
Smoking tobacco is not sinful. It might be sinful if you smoke excessively or have a health condition which makes it dangerous but I am not sure on that. However, the fact is that many Catholics throughout the ages smoked/used tobacco. As far as I can tell, the Catechism of the Catholic Church does not say that using tobacco is sinful. However, it does say that the virtue of temperance disposes us to avoid every kind of excess, including excess in using tobacco. To me, this means that it could be sinful to use tobacco excessively.
2290 The virtue of temperance disposes us to avoid every kind of excess: the abuse of food, alcohol, tobacco, or medicine. Those incur grave guilt who, by drunkenness or a love of speed, endanger their own and others’ safety on the road, at sea, or in the air.
I don’t believe an addiction out of your present control can be a sin. It is just plain unhealthy.
My identical twin brother died as a smoker from heart disease when he was 46. I am now 62 and never smoked as I am a severe asthmatic, (which my brother was.)
It is expensive, a drug, etc etc. You know it all. But you still smoke. See no control - no sin.
This is pretty harsh. We can’t say it’s a grave sin, since it’s an addiction, usually entered into when a person is too young and ignorant to realize what he’s getting himself into.
So a grave sin is not a grave sin if you get addicted to the sin at a young age? That’s an interesting argument… I’m skeptical if what you said is actually true, but it’s still a very interesting view to consider.

However, would that same logic apply to sex addicts? Or is cigarette smoking the only addiction that we’re looking the other way on?
Nobody starts smoking once they become an actual adult, with some intelligence.
And teenagers pick up the habit because adults don’t condemn it enough, nor do people adequately explain why smoking is wrong on every single level (especially a moral one). For that reason alone, I think a harsher tone might be merited in order to get the message across.
And most smokers would love to quit. but it’s not easy.
It is never easy to overcome the propensity to commit grave sins. It takes a lot of strength. Some people are just too weak and surrender to their sin.

I sympathize with the challenge that some smokers face. I really do. But I’m not interested in making excuses for them. I’m harsh and blunt because I’m trying to get a point across: Smokers should consciously acknowledge that every cigarette they smoke is a grave sin. They stain their souls much like they blacken their lungs. Maybe that kind of burden on their conscience will compel them to abandon their vice.

However, if we just go around saying “oh, no, smoking isn’t that bad”, then how does a dishonest statement like that even help? It provides some false comfort to smokers, but it doesn’t further motivate them to kick their habit. In fact, a statement like that can make these smokers content to remain perpetually trapped by their addiction.

Addicts are always looking ways to rationalize their behavior.
“I’m not hurting anyone, so what’s the harm”
“At least it’s legal, unlike pot, so I could be doing a lot worse”
“I need cigarettes to relax and operate effectively”

or, as we’ve seen in this thread…

“At least it’s not morally wrong”

We can’t promote that kind of mentality. We can’t allow any wiggle room for these addicts to justify their behavior or dismiss the severity of their addiction.

If we want to help smokers, we need to speak the truth, even if it sounds harsh.
We have a Subway here, and people smoke there. If someone is smoking, I actually get up and eat in the park, instead.

We had some teens, several lighting up at a pizza place. I asked if we could have it without smoke, and the owner said they didn’t have a non-smoking section. So, I got my pizza “to go” when, otherwise, had it not been for all that smoke, I would have stayed.

If I so much as am in a room with smoke, I can smell it on my hair, my clothes, even though I didn’t smoke.

A family member was in a car with us all. There were probably 6 of us, and the windows were shut, while he smoked a cigar. We couldn’t open the windows, since it was winter with the cold air.

Anyway, I really hated it. It was unpleasant in the extreme to have to be with that.

I have a sister with Raynaud’s disease, and we used to go to these church Penny socials. My mother, I think, asked the lady if she could refrain since my sister had a legitimate medical problem. The doctor said never to start smoking, that if she did, it’d be “…like jumping off a bridge”. The woman refused to stop, and this was a Catholic church function! So, this is the kind of attitude many have.

I worked with 2 coworkers in an office. If we backed up our chairs, we’d hit eachother. When I first started working there, it was non-smoking. Then, both overnight, started back smoking the same day. These ladies shared a cigar, in the office.

They’d also leave the windows open to the office all night even in the winter in the north!

Anyway, we’d all be freezing. People would be wearing coats around the office all to try to accommodate the smokers, and this was in a hospital!

We finally got them limited to smoking during breaks, but they’d simply take half-hour smoke breaks. The supervisor said she couldn’t afford them taking all these, to let them smoke again in the office.

I had severe arthritis and some respiratory problem which was all worsened by the arctic wind and smoke.

It was so awful. I was glad when I stopped working there.

I play chess with smokers, and they’ll ask to smoke. I really should say “no” since I have a respiratory problem but usually hate to speak up and say “okay”, instead.
I guess I need to be more assertive.

Oh, with the hospital, I wanted to take the smoking and freezing cold open window issue to the administration, but they were mostly smokers! This was before we had any laws about clean air.

We had a guy even smoking near an oxygen tank, in intensive care!

We only got some relief when we got some laws.

However, some smokers don’t like it when restaurants go smoke free, and some will go out and try to shut that restaurant down just out of spite…this has happened in the past.

I can generally smell smoke from quite a distance away.

I know smokers can be nice people, but if I ever got married, I don’t think I could ever marry a smoker. I also don’t think I’m alone in this. A lot of us non-smokers can’t take it. We’d need to move outside, then, or they would.

I taught here at a school in Mexico, and one day, almost none of my students were in class. Where are all my students? They were outside, smoking, didn’t even come into class! I wasn’t allowed to leave my room but broke the rule, felt I had to get my students.

A friend passed the school and commented on how there was always a cloud of smoke in front of my school.

I guess people generally get hooked when young. Very few start when they are older, but it’s sad. It adversely affects marriages, friendships, family…health…economics…all kinds of things.

Also, many smokers throw the cigarette butts all over the place, litter, big time.

It just can be hard on anyone who doesn’t smoke is all I’m saying.

We have kids imitating the adults, as well, wanting to be just like them. So, it continues.
2288 Life and physical health are precious gifts entrusted to us by God. We must take reasonable care of them, taking into account the needs of others and the common good.
Concern for the health of its citizens requires that society help in the attainment of living-conditions that allow them to grow and reach maturity: food and clothing, housing, health care, basic education, employment, and social assistance.
2289 If morality requires respect for the life of the body, it does not make it an absolute value. It rejects a neo-pagan notion that tends to promote the cult of the body, to sacrifice everything for it’s sake, to idolize physical perfection and success at sports. By its selective preference of the strong over the weak, such a conception can lead to the perversion of human relationships.
2290 The virtue of temperance disposes us to avoid every kind of excess: the abuse of food, alcohol, tobacco, or medicine. Those incur grave guilt who, by drunkenness or a love of speed, endanger their own and others’ safety on the road, at sea, or in the air.
2291 The use of drugs inflicts very grave damage on human health and life. Their use, except on strictly therapeutic grounds, is a grave offense. Clandestine production of and trafficking in drugs are scandalous practices. They constitute direct co-operation in evil, since they encourage people to practices gravely contrary to the moral law
2280 Everyone is responsible for his life before God who has given it to him. It is God who remains the sovereign Master of life. We are obliged to accept life gratefully and preserve it for his honor and the salvation of our souls. We are stewards, not owners, of the life God has entrusted to us. It is not ours to dispose of
We have a Subway here, and people smoke there. If someone is smoking, I actually get up and eat in the park, instead.

We had some teens, several lighting up at a pizza place. I asked if we could have it without smoke, and the owner said they didn’t have a non-smoking section. So, I got my pizza “to go” when, otherwise, had it not been for all that smoke, I would have stayed…
This really surprises me. I thought that indoor smoking is banned in most countries/states, and I was quite sure that Mexico also had banned indoor smoking. If not, I hope they catch up with the rest of the world!!!

Every country & state that I visited in the past 2 years forbids any indoor smoking in ANY public place. (I had not been to Mexico for quite some time.) Many states in the US do not allow most outdoor smoking, such as parks, beaches, outdoor dining areas, etc.
This really surprises me. I thought that indoor smoking is banned in most countries/states, and I was quite sure that Mexico also had banned indoor smoking. If not, I hope they catch up with the rest of the world!!!

Every country & state that I visited in the past 2 years forbids any indoor smoking in ANY public place. (I had not been to Mexico for quite some time.) Many states in the US do not allow most outdoor smoking, such as parks, beaches, outdoor dining areas, etc.
We had, I think it was even one of the workers at Subway here smoking.

Here in Mexico, people do like they did in the US before there were the laws. They do what they want, and the smokers generally have won out. The non-smokers have to take it outside, like we, nonsmokers had to do in the US before the laws.

Yes, Mexico is behind. Some have said Mexico is one year behind the rest of the world (perhaps one light year!) 😉

I even saw seemingly minors lighting up together to be cool that time at the pizzeria, and it was really hard. Well, there were all of them doing that at once, no clean air anywhere to be found.

At a college I went to, they used to have really bad smoking in the lounge to the point it stained the ceiling. 😉 Yeah, really.

Then, again, I think some laws came into place, and I could go to that student lounge and actually breathe.

It took that, though. It took non-smokers rallying together, getting lawyers and such, to have laws made.

I remember years ago at college once we finally did have some laws in place that people would resist. There’d still be people smoking. You’d have this huge sign that would say, “NO SMOKING” and somebody, sure enough, smoking RIGHT under the sign!

I remember I used to go to BOCES, and our school bused us from the school there. Kids smoked on the bus. I never much liked that, but I didn’t want to make any waves so didn’t say anything until we had “cigarettes” that smelled different.

I went to my mother and asked her what marijuana smelled like, because I thought it might be that. She got really mad that they were smoking on the bus. She went to the school, and I was so worried about repercussions and retaliation. Sure enough, the bus driver came on the bus saying, “…somebody ´squealed’!”

They were saying, “It wasn’t me…not him”. They tried to falsely accuse a friend, and I ultimately confessed that I was the one. The bus then split into 2 factions, smokers vs the non-smokers.

For about a year, they made my life a living hell all to not allowing them to smoke on the bus. I had a tack on my chair one day. I mean for an issue so seemingly trivial, it really got quite ugly. They did that and much more. They basically persecuted me for a year. I was to the point I was afraid of them.

Some of the kids there not only smoked but used drugs and didn’t try to hide that.

The driver was afraid of the kids, would let them do whatever they wanted. Besides allowing them to all smoke, even seemingly marijuana if they wanted, he would let them off downtown instead of taking them to the other school.

I had where I was so stressed out due to this huge fight over smoking that once, I vomited due to all the stress. They sent people I never had even met to say some really cruel, mean, and vulgar things to me.

All this entire argument got started over the issue of smoke…on the bus.

Had it been even that they would have just said, “Hey, I can wait and smoke later”. No, some considered it a “right” to smoke and didn’t care what anyone felt, suffered or anything.

It took pretty much getting up to a federal case to get any help on this issue.

With the smoking on the bus issue, my mother had to go…again and again and again to the principal. I had sort of like a nervous breakdown finally in class, and I teacher shook me, seemed to have talked to the class and asked them to stop it. That’s the only way it got stopped, but still, it went on about a year, the persecution, angry at not being allowed to smoke on the bus any more.
A friend of mine said that airlines breathed a sigh of relief when they could finally be allowed to have non-smoking flights. Some said it wasn’t so much concern about health as concern about what the smoke did to the air conditioning and all the rest.

If you ever have been in a smoker’s car, you can tell right away.

In school, I was not a trouble maker by any means. In 8th grade, I got voted, “The shyest”.
Yet, I have suffered a lot at the hands of some of the smokers.

Still, I’ve also had very good friends who smoked, but wow, it’s been a rough ride, let me tell you.
Ive smoked almost ten years now and havent been able to stop. Does the Catholic church see this as inherently sinful? If so is it a grave sin? Ive always referred to this verse when my conscience tells me no. I’m interested in additional opinions.

Matthew 15:11 KJV

Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man.
I don’t know to be honest, but if you want a quick fag after you die, you’ll probably have to stand at least four metres from the Pearly Gates.😃
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