What would your reaction be?
Both Islam and Christianity understands God to be the first principle and source of all existence, not a regionalized patron deity. It’s more akin to two people having different perceptions of the same person, say… a famous author of Book ABC. The author’s spouse knows him personally, while a fan may have met him once at a signing and have the wrong image of him. In either case, both people refer to the author of book ABC when they say his name. So I disagree with your point.But God is only common by name, it is not equal in these different religions in characteristics, qualities, beliefs, messages and rules of that particular god, it’s more like they were different Gods as personalized by a common name and origin only,
“Just being a disbeliever” is insufficient to send one to Hell, at least in Catholicism and much of Christianity.so suppose a religion that condemns you to Hell for just being a disbeliever whether it is Islam or Christianity or any X religion that believes in such a god, what would your reaction be if that happened? Apparently saying you were mistaken isn’t enough to that God, so what would you react next?
I have no idea.Good response, but what if that god, as in many religions, will judge you based on your belief or disbelief in him, then what do you think your reaction would be? That’s the point of the thread.
Bring on the virgins?What would your reaction be?
It won’t happen.What would your reaction be?
Bring on the virgins?
You mean then that we find out the Muslim religion is the true one, not the Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist, or Baha’i religion. I think the finding out we are in heaven (or purgatory) with G-d would be the utmost wonder, so that if G-d informs us that the Muslims had it right all along, that information would not make as much difference even though we might be quite surprised. Besides, what does Islam say about non-believers of Islam going to paradise? Is that possible?The God according to the Islamic religion.
Family Guy says they’re all young men that play World of Warcraft or something, though.Bring on the virgins?
You are essentially asking what if we find out that the all-merciful and just G-d we believe in is not that kind of G-d, because, in my view, no G-d of mercy and justice could condemn someone to hell for lack of information about the particular characteristics and rules of G-d. So the larger finding would, from my perspective, be that the G-d Whom we worship does not exist but instead there is some cruel being or god who condemns people to hell for no good reason. That indeed would be the ultimate nightmare.But God is only common by name, it is not equal in these different religions in characteristics, qualities, beliefs, messages and rules of that particular god, it’s more like they were different Gods as personalized by a common name and origin only, so suppose a religion that condemns you to Hell for just being a disbeliever whether it is Islam or Christianity or any X religion that believes in such a god, what would your reaction be if that happened? Apparently saying you were mistaken isn’t enough to that God, so what would you react next?
Because the OP does not have a clue as to the subjects on which he constantly keeps posting hypothetical questions. His intent is simply to dazzle us with his logic and reasoning skills even though he is nearly completely ignorant of the subject.I have no idea how you somehow concluded they were all different Gods.