So is DNA the immortal soul of man?

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Well, I don’t know, but it was stated here that the soul is immortal, and that got me thinking, about a dead mammoth, that is currently in the process of being cloned, hopefully. Just the fact that a 40,000 year old mammoth is seriously being studied for return to life, does mean that the scientist trying this, believe that DNA does not need to be alive, to function. Which is pretty neat to me, because it makes it plausible, that a creator, could have created DNA, and then inserted it where he wanted it, to make life. It is also theorized that DNA contains every instruction that it has ever used, even ones now not used in the so called junk DNA, which would mean, that if we are made in the image of God, that the exact image of God is somewhere in the billions of lines of code that we carry in every cell. DNA is also as far as we know 3.5 billion years old, which might as well be immortal.

Nothing here even conflicts with Catholic teaching…

However evolution believers like the Pope might or might not agree.
Well, I don’t know, but it was stated here that the soul is immortal, and that got me thinking, about a dead mammoth, that is currently in the process of being cloned, hopefully. Just the fact that a 40,000 year old mammoth is seriously being studied for return to life, does mean that the scientist trying this, believe that DNA does not need to be alive, to function. Which is pretty neat to me, because it makes it plausible, that a creator, could have created DNA, and then inserted it where he wanted it, to make life. It is also theorized that DNA contains every instruction that it has ever used, even ones now not used in the so called junk DNA, which would mean, that if we are made in the image of God, that the exact image of God is somewhere in the billions of lines of code that we carry in every cell. DNA is also as far as we know 3.5 billion years old, which might as well be immortal.

Nothing here even conflicts with Catholic teaching…

However evolution believers like the Pope might or might not agree.
The immortal soul is the spiritual principle of human beings. The soul is the subject of human consciousness and freedom; soul and body together form one unique human nature. Each human soul is individual and immortal, immediately created by God. The soul does not die with the body, from which it is separated by death, and with which it will be reunited in the final resurrection.
The immortal soul is the spiritual principle of human beings. The soul is the subject of human consciousness and freedom; soul and body together form one unique human nature. Each human soul is individual and immortal, immediately created by God. The soul does not die with the body, from which it is separated by death, and with which it will be reunited in the final resurrection.
Christine, first thanks for responding, I had hoped that you were there.

Ok, everything that you just wrote, had a genesis moment, that moment existed in the mind of the human who wrote that nonsense. Nothing that you just wrote, came from God, it came from a theological writer, who was human, and might have been the same human that declared that the Sun goes round the Earth…

Faith, is no excuse for ignorance.

Well, I don’t know, but it was stated here that the soul is immortal, and that got me thinking, about a dead mammoth, that is currently in the process of being cloned, hopefully. Just the fact that a 40,000 year old mammoth is seriously being studied for return to life, does mean that the scientist trying this, believe that DNA does not need to be alive, to function. Which is pretty neat to me, because it makes it plausible, that a creator, could have created DNA, and then inserted it where he wanted it, to make life. It is also theorized that DNA contains every instruction that it has ever used, even ones now not used in the so called junk DNA, which would mean, that if we are made in the image of God, that the exact image of God is somewhere in the billions of lines of code that we carry in every cell. DNA is also as far as we know 3.5 billion years old, which might as well be immortal.

Nothing here even conflicts with Catholic teaching…

However evolution believers like the Pope might or might not agree.
DNA is just a physical substance. It is just a molecule, that as far as we know, includes chemical instructions for creating proteins. The soul is not physical. Claiming that DNA is the soul of a person is basically materialism. And that conflicts with Catholic teaching.
DNA is just a physical substance. It is just a molecule, that as far as we know, includes chemical instructions for creating proteins. The soul is not physical. Claiming that DNA is the soul of a person is basically materialism. And that conflicts with Catholic teaching.
You do not know what the soul is, (no one does) or if it is real. Thus it can be anything. This is logical, everything that you believe that you know about the soul, was written by people with no knowledge of what it is.
Christine, first thanks for responding, I had hoped that you were there.

Ok, everything that you just wrote, had a genesis moment, that moment existed in the mind of the human who wrote that nonsense. Nothing that you just wrote, came from God, it came from a theological writer, who was human, and might have been the same human that declared that the Sun goes round the Earth…

Faith, is no excuse for ignorance.

This is from th Catholic Encyclopedia:
“Even uncivilized peoples arrive at the concept of the soul almost without reflection, certainly without any severe mental effort. The mysteries of birth and death, the lapse of conscious life during sleep and in swooning, even the commonest operations of imagination and memory, which abstract a man from his bodily presence even while awake—all such facts invincibly suggest the existence of something besides the visible organism, internal to it, but to a large extent independent of it, and leading a life of its own. In the rude psychology of the primitive nations, the soul is often represented as actually migrating to and fro during dreams and trances, and after death haunting the neighbourhood of its body. Nearly always it is figured as something extremely volatile, a perfume or a breath. Often, as among the Fijians, it is represented as a miniature replica of the body, so small as to be invisible. The Samoans have a name for the soul which means “that which comes and goes”.”

All throughout history mankind has mused on the nature of the soul. It is definitely not made of earthly stuff as the body is and as you seem to think it is.
This is from th Catholic Encyclopedia:
“Even uncivilized peoples arrive at the concept of the soul almost without reflection, certainly without any severe mental effort. The mysteries of birth and death, the lapse of conscious life during sleep and in swooning, even the commonest operations of imagination and memory, which abstract a man from his bodily presence even while awake—all such facts invincibly suggest the existence of something besides the visible organism, internal to it, but to a large extent independent of it, and leading a life of its own. In the rude psychology of the primitive nations, the soul is often represented as actually migrating to and fro during dreams and trances, and after death haunting the neighbourhood of its body. Nearly always it is figured as something extremely volatile, a perfume or a breath. Often, as among the Fijians, it is represented as a miniature replica of the body, so small as to be invisible. The Samoans have a name for the soul which means “that which comes and goes”.”

All throughout history mankind has mused on the nature of the soul. It is definitely not made of earthly stuff as the body is and as you seem to think it is.
Where did the writers of the Catholic encyclopedia get their information about the soul, or was it just made up one day, as it seems.

Come on, let us know where humans got their information about the soul?

It’s a simple and rational question.

At least if there is an answer.
Where did the writers of the Catholic encyclopedia get their information about the soul, or was it just made up one day, as it seems.

Come on, let us know where humans got their information about the soul?

It’s a simple and rational question.

At least if there is an answer.
They got it from vast stores of historical data. What is your problem?
They got it from vast stores of historical data. What is your problem?
Where did the historical data come from?

I have no problem, except that I am trying to understand, where the information that you used to describe the soul came from.

And no one has ever ask you this before, and now you see that there is no answer.
Where did the historical data come from?

I have no problem, except that I am trying to understand, where the information that you used to describe the soul came from.

And no one has ever ask you this before, and now you see that there is no answer.
I already told you even the simplest of mankind believes in something called a soul. They don’t even need to have historical data. It’s just something people know. Now some people who have evil souls might not like to hear that…
I already told you even the simplest of mankind believes in something called a soul. They don’t even need to have historical data. It’s just something people know. Now some people who have evil souls might not like to hear that…
Ah so the soul is just something people know. So do all people know this?

I thought it came from the Catholic encyclopedia, but I guess they just got if from people who just know.

Which is exactly what I said in the first place, it came from the mind of a theological writer.

So thanks for finally agreeing with me.
Ah so the soul is just something people know. So do all people know this?

I thought it came from the Catholic encyclopedia, but I guess they just got if from people who just know.

Which is exactly what I said in the first place, it came from the mind of a theological writer.

So thanks for finally agreeing with me.
You are really something. You think you proved your point by being a jerk!

The immortal soul has been studied by countless philosophers thoughout history. It is in the Bible and in many other religions.

My point is that we all know (or at least most of humanity) instinctively that there is something outside our bodies that continues on when we are dead, sleeping or in other states of consciousness. This is what we somehow know in our hearts, and is confirmed by holy and wise men.

But you are an atheist and a materialist. Therefore I am not going to waste anymore effort on you.

DNA is a molecule. It is not immortal.

It holds up in time better than the external body, especially in ice-cold, because it is strongly chemically bound. But at normal temperatures, biological rot will consume the DNA, as well.

The human soul is spiritual and does not decay. Your mind is an aspect of your soul. It will stop working when your head does, but will awaken in the head of your pneumatikon soma (spiritual body).

I guarantee that if you burn DNA, it will go up in smoke and disappear. If you nuke it, it will disappear. In fact, any really old DNA fragments that we find are very lucky finds, because DNA technicians have a heckuva time making sure that brand new samples taken from living people within the day are still usable.

No matter what you do to the body, the soul will not disappear. That’s what “immortal” means.

(Unlike in Highlander, where it just means “I won’t die unless you chop my head off.”)

There is no capacity to die, in a soul. The worst a human can do to his own soul is just kill off all the good in it by trying to do and think nothing but evil; and that won’t even work entirely, since there’s something good in existing.

DNA is a molecule. It is not immortal.

It holds up in time better than the external body, especially in ice-cold, because it is strongly chemically bound. But at normal temperatures, biological rot will consume the DNA, as well.

The human soul is spiritual and does not decay. Your mind is an aspect of your soul. It will stop working when your head does, but will awaken in the head of your pneumatikon soma (spiritual body).

True, a single DNA molecule is not immortal. However my thoughts are, that some have speculated that so called junk DNA, is actually the remnants of past incarnations of the code base. That is to say that DNA actually saves everything, even stuff that it no longer uses. This would mean that when the molecule replicates, that the previous incarnation of the code is still there, thus even though the code evolves with the organism, that there is still a library of unused code parts that could recreate previous generations of the code organism. Easier put, DNA could be immortal, since instead of actually being immortal, it perpetually regenerates itself, which as far as we know for sure, is 3.5 billion years.

If this is true, we could actually use junk DNA to recreate God, if we are made in his image, that is.

Will I be put under house arrest for this?

You said The human soul is spiritual and does not decay. Your mind is an aspect of your soul. It will stop working when your head does, but will awaken in the head of your pneumatikon soma (spiritual body).

I say, okeedokee
I guarantee that if you burn DNA, it will go up in smoke and disappear. If you nuke it, it will disappear. In fact, any really old DNA fragments that we find are very lucky finds, because DNA technicians have a heckuva time making sure that brand new samples taken from living people within the day are still usable.

No matter what you do to the body, the soul will not disappear. That’s what “immortal” means.

(Unlike in Highlander, where it just means “I won’t die unless you chop my head off.”)

There is no capacity to die, in a soul. The worst a human can do to his own soul is just kill off all the good in it by trying to do and think nothing but evil; and that won’t even work entirely, since there’s something good in existing.
Ah, but the DNA in space or the nuke shelter will survive, and it is the code, not a particular variation of the code that must survive. DNA is currently trying as hard as possible, in joint efforts, to leave this planet, in order to preserv itself, and continue it’s immortality.

First you must open your mind though, unless you want everything to be as it always was.

I sure don’t.
True, a single DNA molecule is not immortal. However my thoughts are, that some have speculated that so called junk DNA, is actually the remnants of past incarnations of the code base. That is to say that DNA actually saves everything, even stuff that it no longer uses. This would mean that when the molecule replicates, that the previous incarnation of the code is still there, thus even though the code evolves with the organism, that there is still a library of unused code parts that could recreate previous generations of the code organism. Easier put, DNA could be immortal, since instead of actually being immortal, it perpetually regenerates itself, which as far as we know for sure, is 3.5 billion years.

If this is true, we could actually use junk DNA to recreate God, if we are made in his image, that is.

Will I be put under house arrest for this?

You said The human soul is spiritual and does not decay. Your mind is an aspect of your soul. It will stop working when your head does, but will awaken in the head of your pneumatikon soma (spiritual body).

I say, okeedokee
Hey DNA Rose,

This is an extremely silly and irrational discussion, no offense. What you’re suggesting is heresy. Are you truly Catholic?

Please read the following from the Catechism and reconsider your position:
362 The human person, created in the image of God, is a being at once corporeal and spiritual. The biblical account expresses this reality in symbolic language when it affirms that “then the LORD God formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.”229 Man, whole and entire, is therefore willed by God. (1146, 2332)
363 In Sacred Scripture the term “soul” often refers to human life or the entire human person.230 But “soul” also refers to the innermost aspect of man, that which is of greatest value in him,231 that by which he is most especially in God’s image: “soul” signifies the spiritual principle in man. (1703)
364 The human body shares in the dignity of “the image of God”: it is a human body precisely because it is animated by a spiritual soul, and it is the whole human person that is intended to become, in the body of Christ, a temple of the Spirit:232 (1004, 2289)
Man, though made of body and soul, is a unity. Through his very bodily condition he sums up in himself the elements of the material world. Through him they are thus brought to their highest perfection and can raise their voice in praise freely given to the Creator. For this reason man may not despise his bodily life. Rather he is obliged to regard his body as good and to hold it in honor since God has created it and will raise it up on the last day.233
365 The unity of soul and body is so profound that one has to consider the soul to be the “form” of the body:234 i.e., it is because of its spiritual soul that the body made of matter becomes a living, human body; spirit and matter, in man, are not two natures united, but rather their union forms a single nature.
Hey DNA Rose,

This is an extremely silly and irrational discussion, no offense. What you’re suggesting is heresy. Are you truly Catholic?

Please read the following from the Catechism and reconsider your position:

So you are comparing me to Galileo.

I consider that a complement.


PS. Who wrote the scripture that you quoted? I had this out with Christine earlier, and she gave up.
So you are comparing me to Galileo.

I consider that a complement.


PS. Who wrote the scripture that you quoted? I had this out with Christine earlier, and she gave up.
DNA Rose, please. Christine left because you were being unreasonable. I’m not saying this to put you down; Christianity’s all about recognizing the errors of our ways. 🙂

It is true man can know little about the soul just by thinking about it, or through his own efforts; that’s why God had to reveal this to us. And he did. If you reject Divine revelation, you reject all of Christianity.

God has reveled to us that the soul is spiritual by nature, i.e. it can’t be something material.

I will admit it was a cool thought, but it’s simply nonsensical.

DNA Rose, please. Christine left because you were being unreasonable. I’m not saying this to put you down; Christianity’s all about recognizing the errors of our ways. 🙂

It is true man can know little about the soul just by thinking about it, or through his own efforts; that’s why God had to reveal this to us. And he did. If you reject Divine revelation, you reject all of Christianity.

God has reveled to us that the soul is spiritual by nature, i.e. it can’t be something material.

I will admit it was a cool thought, but it’s simply nonsensical.

Ok, so you say that, “It is true man can know little about the soul just by thinking about it, or through his own efforts; that’s why God had to reveal this to us.”

So what did God reveal to you? and who is the us that you refer to?

Yea I know that it sounds like I am being nastily rhetorical, but I am asking the same question over and over, and no one has an answer, but everybody here believes in the soul.

You have never seen it, there is no evidence that anyone has ever seen it, so it would seem that the soul, is just a matter of faith, except that there are exact descriptions. Where did these come from, if not the mind of a theological writer?
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