This poor soul is getting educated beyond DNA Rose’s intelligence. Maybe a little bit of logic could help. No one has been able to explain how infinity is possible beyond what telescopes can see, never the less, there it is. Just because we don’t understand it, it doesn’t mean it’s not there. Same goes with the human soul.
Wrong, though you start out ok. There are no descriptions of infinity, beyond where the best telescopes can see. There are any number of hypothesis, and mathematically incomplete models, but no descriptions. I have been given, detailed descriptions of the human soul, yet no one can describe from where these come. Sure the soul could be a matter of faith, until clearly definitive descriptions are given, such as
Each human soul is individual and immortal, immediately created by God. The soul does not die with the body, from which it is separated by death, and with which it will be reunited in the final resurrection.
This is from th Catholic Encyclopedia:
“Even uncivilized peoples arrive at the concept of the soul almost without reflection, certainly without any severe mental effort. The mysteries of birth and death, the lapse of conscious life during sleep and in swooning, even the commonest operations of imagination and memory, which abstract a man from his bodily presence even while awake—all such facts invincibly suggest the existence of something besides the visible organism, internal to it, but to a large extent independent of it, and leading a life of its own. In the rude psychology of the primitive nations, the soul is often represented as actually migrating to and fro during dreams and trances, and after death haunting the neighbourhood of its body. Nearly always it is figured as something extremely volatile, a perfume or a breath. Often, as among the Fijians, it is represented as a miniature replica of the body, so small as to be invisible. The Samoans have a name for the soul which means “that which comes and goes”.”
They don’t even need to have historical data. It’s just something people know.
So where do these descriptions come from, if not from theological fiction writers.
My speculation of a DNA soul, would if junk DNA is what has been postulated, be a chemical computer program, designed to both survive, by evolution, and to also at the same time, preserve the base code, as created by the designer, thus achieving immortality, not of the individual, but of a species, thru billions of years and thru billions of galaxies as well.
Unless you are still looking to past catechisms, instead of designing the future.