I’ve been trying to explain why for umpteen posts. I’m sorry you don’t understand the point I’ve been making. It’s really not difficult to follow but it seems that some are reluctant to acknowledge an argument for fear of being seen to accept it.
If this is how you’re trying to explain it, you’re terrifying me big time.
His parents couldn’t pay for it and unless someone came up with the money, he was going to die. I was going to use him as the example.
Just knowing something about him meant you could empathise with him and feel his fear. Knowing nothing about him, it’s impossible.
Fie, fie, fie, bad, bad, bad, on any healthcare system that has the capability to save a child’s life but refuses to do so if the parents can’t pay.
I am a student majoring in healthcare info technology.
I get disparities and I don’t have to know anything about any patient that walks through the front door in order to be able to empathize with them. By nature, human beings get sick and they also need preventative care.
Have you ever heard of HIPAA?
It’s the federal law governing a patient’s right to privacy.
I don’t need to know a person’s reason for accessing medical care to empathize with their need to have their privacy protected.
Yes, protection of patient privacy is mandated.
But it wasn’t always legally protected in the way we know it today.
And rest assured, many of those protections came out of the desire for medical professionals to keep the mental, financial, and spiritual well-being of perfect strangers they would never meet in mind.
Are you following what I am saying?
People can empathize with another human being just because we are human.
In fact, there was a time in recent history when most humans did. Even with all the ugly wars and such, at the end of the day, civilized human beings came together and compiled lists on human rights.
I can’t understand, for the life of me, why you believe that we have to know anything about a human being to be able to empathize with them.
If people want to collectively minimize and deny human rights and human capacity, that is their choice. But I’ve noticed that it’s these same collective groups of people who get their proverbial panties in a knot when another group does the very same to them.
In other words, I acknowledge your argument, but it falls flat on its face at the end of the day simply because those who minimize and disregard others are the very ones who scream the loudest when their perceived rights is violated.
I hope you get what I am saying.
Either human rights are human rights at every stage of being human, or they aren’t human rights at all. No more cherry picking on a potential human vs actual human. Science shows us what we are as living, metabolizing human beings from our earliest zygote stages and on.
I can’t help if some people refuse to acknowledge the scientific truth. In the meantime, I will continue to push for ethics in medicine and in other human endeavors as well.