Gelsbern wrote:" This is my last post on this subject because I don’t want to get labled a traditionalist or whatever because I am not, I will say tho that what LeFebvre did does not fit under the official definition of schism, or schismatic.
The SSPX doesn’t teach anything that differs from the the Magisterium, they only question the validity of the NO, which is a matter of discipline, not faith. There is no guarantee of infallibility in matters of discipline and I quote catholic.com/library/Papal_Infallibility.asp
Of course, infallibility does not include a guarantee that any particular pope won’t “neglect” to teach the truth, or that he will be sinless, or that mere disciplinary decisions will be intelligently made. …
Calling SSPX schismatics is wrong, especially in this day and age when the Orthodox are welcome, etc.
Do you call people schismatics when they use birth control, eat meat on Fridays of Lent, disagree with Altar Girls
I agree with the above. You must differintiate between Disipline and those tthings that can be infallible. They aren’t the same.
- To question or deny the VALIDITY of the NO Mass is NOT to merely question or deny assent to a discipline: To deny the vailidity of the NO Mass is to deny that thereby a priest is able to confect the Sacrifice. That is, in fact, heresy. It would be as bad to say that the Mass offered by the SSPX is not valid, something no one here has done, at least not in the time that I’ve been reading these posts. They’ve questioned it licitness, but not its validity. You cannot say “The Mass that Paul VI promulgated is no true Mass and the Sacrifice is not confected thereby” and not be guilty of heresy in the eyes of the Catholic Church.
- “Calling SSPX schismatics is wrong, especially in this day and age when the Orthodox are welcome, etc.” It is in the province of the Holy Father alone to determine who is and who is not schismatic. He hasn’t rescinded Ecclesia Dei as far as I can recall.