thought this may clarify things
Eighteen years later, in June of 1988, Archbishop Lefebvre consecrated four bishops in order to guarantee the continuation of a work blessed and approved by the Church.
Rome had agreed in principle on the point of episcopal consecration, but did not agree on the Archbishop’s choice of candidates. He, nevertheless, went ahead with the consecrations, despite Rome’s disapproval. As a consequence… CARDINAL GANTIN,
***the Prefect of the Sacred Congregation of Bishops, wrongly declared that Archbishop Lefebvre had performed a “schismatic act” by consecrating the four bishops in 1988 without papal permission ***and warned
“the priests and the Faithful…not to support the schism of Monsignor Lefebvre, otherwise they shall incur the very grave penalty of excommunication.” Cardinal Gantin erroneously quoted the Church’s Law (Canon 1364 s.1):
“a schismatic act incurs automatic excommunication,” but ***since there was no schism, there could be no excommunication. ***
However, experts in Church Law and several high-ranking cardinals are in agreement that Archbishop Lefebvre did not perform a schismatic act and, consequently,
is neither excommunicated on the grounds of schism or on any other grounds.
The label of “Schismatic & Excommunicated” cannot be applied to Archbishop Lefebvre, nor any of his followers, for it lacks foundation and validity, which is what the Church’s experts have been saying since 1988–the year of Archbishop Lefebvre’s four episcopal consecrations.