To me it seems like certain individuals dont care when Catholics tell them they do or do not do something, or if they can prove the Chruch’s teaching from the Catechism, they still WANT to believe whatever it is they want to believe about the Catholic Church, its truly amazing e.g. You guys worship Mary, now we dont, yes you do…Hey that gives me an idea for a new threadHi Brian,
I will point out to you again that you must take the entire list in context. #1 of the same list you supply is:
Canon 1. **If anyone says that man can be justified before God by his own works, whether done by his own natural powers or through the teaching of the law,[110] without divine grace through Jesus Christ, let him be anathema. **
Then there are II thru XXXIII. number XXXII must first take into account the first canon that clearly states that no one can do it on their own, Christ is the way.
And thank you, I take the fact that you see what I say sounds Protestant as a compliment. As a Catholic Christian, I respect my Protestant brothers and sisters in Christ.
And the point here is, you can continue to *think *the Catholic Church teaches that we earn our way to heaven, but that simply is not true. I cannot explain it any clearer. I’m truly sorry.
God Bless,