Some European "Culture"

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WHEN JOHAN VANDE LANOTTE, Belgium’s Vice Prime Minister, goes to the toilets today, he finds the urinals in the offices of his ministry decorated with stickers. They show an American flag and the head of George W. Bush. “Go ahead. Piss on me,” the caption says. Vande Lanotte is one of Bush’s hosts in Brussels. Is peeing on your guest’s head appropriate? In Belgium it is. After all, Brussels’ best known statue is that of “Manneken Pis,” a peeing boy.
I hope other people are offended by a bunch of Europeans urinating on an American flag.
Maybe The United States should start manufacturing urine specimen cups with little Belgian flags in the bottom. OR ,or Belgian flags on slides which hold fecal samples.
I hope other people are offended by a bunch of Europeans urinating on an American flag.
Maybe The United States should start manufacturing urine specimen cups with little Belgian flags in the bottom. OR ,or Belgian flags on slides which hold fecal samples.
You never want your countrymen to sink to the level of such “cultural expression”–the Belgians said a great deal about themselves with this - and I know we are all better than that. It is disgusting, it is crude, it is ignorant and self descriptive.

And then we hear how much they have to “teach us” - sure.

P.S. Other chocolate is better anyway.
WHEN JOHAN VANDE LANOTTE, Vande Lanotte is one of Bush’s hosts in Brussels. Is peeing on your guest’s head appropriate? In Belgium it is. After all, Brussels’ best known statue is that of “Manneken Pis,” a peeing boy.
I was particularly intrigued by this portion of the article:

Fifteen years ago, I was sacked by a Belgian newspaper because I had written an article in the Wall Street Journal which the Belgian politicians did not like. Being a somewhat conservative and pro-American journalist, I was a regular contributor to the Journal in the late 1980s and early 1990s. These articles were not liked by my liberal colleagues, nor by the Belgian regime. On April 6, 1990, I was fired after writing a Journal op-ed piece about how a major story had been ignored by the Belgian media under political pressure from the top political parties.

That day ended my career as a newspaper journalist. None of the Belgian papers has been willing to employ me since. Fifteen years later I am still known by my former colleagues as “that fascist from the Wall Street Journal.” And now I could see those same editors sitting in the audience, listening to a man whom they despise.

Indeed, they think that the world will be saved if America becomes more like Europe, whereas I think that Europe will be saved only if it becomes more like America. But that is an opinion which no one in Europe is allowed to have. Those who do, get pXXX upon.
Let us recall that Belgium was the object of Hitler’s last major offensive in December 1944. Thousands of American heroes served and died to repel the offensive and to liberate Belgium. Click here for an excellent site devoted to the battle. Hitler’s last gasp came shortly afterward in the lesser-known Operation Nordwind.Stephen Ambrose’s terrific book Band of Brothers tells the story through the eyes of E Company, 506th Regiment, 101st Airborne Division – a unit that served “from Normandy to Hitler’s Eagle’s Nest” (as the book’s subtitle states). The men of E Company served on the front lines in ferocious, almost unimaginably arduous and brutal combat for the last twelve months of WW II. Many died, many were horribly injured, some survived. God bless Stephen Ambrose for capturing their story before even those who had survived died natural deaths. May he rest in peace.

At the very end of the book Ambrose briefly summarizes the postwar lives of those who survived. One of those who overcame a paralyzing injury suffered at Bastogne and survived was Corporal Walter Gordon. He went to law school and struck it rich through the exercise of great acumen in the oil business.

In December 1991, Mr. Gordon read that the mayor of Eindhoven, Holland had refused to meet with General Schwarzkopf because as general of the forces that served in the Gulf War General Schwarzkopf “had too much blood on his hands.” Ambrose recounts that Gordon wrote to the mayor of Eindhoven as follows: On September 17, 1944 I participated in the large airborne operation which was conducted to liberate your country. As a member of company E, 506th PIR [parachute infantry regiment], I landed near the small town of Son. The following day we moved south and liberated Eindhoven. While carrying out our assignment, we suffered casualties. That is war talk for bleeding. We occupied various defense positions for over two months. Like animals, we lived in holes, barns, and as best we could. The weather was cold and wet. In spite of the adverse conditions, we held the ground we had fought so hard to capture.

The citizens of Holland at that time did not share your aversion to bloodshed when the blood being shed was that of the German ocupiers of your city. How soon we forget. History has proven more than once that Holland could again be conquered if your neighbor, the Germans, are having a dull weekend and the golf links are crowded.

Please don’t allow your country to be swallowed up by Liechtenstein or the Vatican as I don’t plan to return. As of now, you are on your own.

This is a message that badly needs to be delivered to our former Belgian friends.
quote, don’t allow your country to be swallowed up by leichenstein or the vatican, holland is badly needing to be swallowed up by the vatican, the people of that country have truly abandoned the message of god
It is kind of facile to assume that because some Belgians display infantile anti-Americanism all of Belgium needs to be condemned. Considering some of the anti-European bile poured out in these forums I am reminded of the saying that people in glass houses should not through stones.

With reference to the deaths of American personnel in Belgium. Was not one of the freedoms they fought for the right to disagree with the US Federal administration? Is it not disregarding their sacrifice to suggest that freedom should be restricted just because Americans are too thin skinned to accept criticism?

Operation Nordwind was in Alsace, France, not Belgium.

Bastogne is in France not Belgium

Eindhoven, Holland is in Holland not Belgium. Holland supported the invasion of Iraq and is a US ally.

Tens of thousands of British soldiers died in Belgium, many in 1940 long before the US got involved. That is no good reason why Belgian foreign policy should be identical with the UK’s.,0,2734526.story?coll=la-home-headlines

Following is a text of President Bush’s remarks in Brussels, Belgium, as transcribed by eMediaMillWorks, Inc.

Thank you for your kind introduction and thank you for your warm hospitality.

Distinguished guests and ladies and gentlemen, Laura and I are really glad to be back. I’m really pleased to visit Brussels again, the capital of a beautiful nation, the seat of the European Union and the NATO Alliance.

** The United States and Belgium are close allies and we will always be warm friends.**
I somehow knew that Matt25 would make this outrage the fault of the US. He neglects to mention that these urinal stickers were produced in the Vice Prime Minister’s office by his press spokesman. The government of Belgium owes the president and the citizens an apology.

I’m not sure which is a bigger disgrace, the stickers or defending them.
Bastogne is in France not Belgium
I can’t speak to your other statements, Matt, but you are way wrong about this one.

Not only is Bastogne not in France (it is in Belgium), but there is a whole 'nother country (Luxembourg) between the French border and the part of the Belgian border beyond which Bastogne lies.

I know this from personal experience. I have pedaled every km of that trip on a bicycle.

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