Some Flemish (Belgium) doctors support legalization of infanticide: survey

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I read about a case in Belgium in the seventies I believe, wherein a couple let their new born baby die because of disabilities the child had. They were tried for murder but let off. People celebrated the ruling in the streets.
My elderly mother told me that it was unspoken/acceptable practice in ‘the day’ that if a child was born severely deformed that it would be allowed to die or ‘helped’ by the withdrawal of care. I remember an episode of Call the Midwife (which is a UK show) addressed the practice in the first half of the 20th century. The general ethical then was that it was a ‘mercy’. I thought that Call the Midwife did a wonderful job of demonstrating the dignity of human life by giving the infant a chance and inspiring hope to the end.
Almost nine out of ten respondents (89.1%) [who do late-term terminations] agree that in the event of a serious (non‐lethal) neonatal condition, administering drugs with the explicit intention to end neonatal life is acceptable,” the authors write.

They also are relaxed about late-term abortions: “Even in situations with an unclear diagnosis and unpredictable prognosis, 85.6% of professionals would still consider late TOP.”
I am not sure it matters - the condition of the child.
the gov of VA suggested something similar
“If a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen,” he said. “The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.”
This has always been the next step after abortion and legalized suicide. People supporting pro-choice political candidates have always denied it but this practice will be a reality soon. Probably in Europe first, and then it will be pushed in America. There have already been signs of this; as @upant pointed out, the governor of Virginia let slip once before what the plans are.
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