Somehow made friends with a satanist

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Give her “Fundamentals of the Faith” by Peter Kreeft. The book is excellent in the way it boils down the very basics of Catholic teaching, and compares it to non-Christian religions.

I doesn’t have much New Age-y stuff, unfortunately.

Also, buy Kreeft’s “Handbook of Christian Apologetics” for yourself. Learn those arguments, they will come in handy.
Father Mitch Pacwa, now the resident host of EWTN, wrote a book a few years ago, which is excellent. “Catholics and the New Age”. Contact him or ETWN or the publisher (Servant Publications) and get a copy for yourself and a copy for your friend. When the time is appropriate, present it to your friend. Pray over this. Ask the Holy Spirit for direction and guidance. That’s what the Holy Spirit is there for.
This is a subject I know a lot about - I used to be one myself. Followers of the late Anton LaVey call themselves Satanists but claim not to believe the Satan as portrayed in Judeo-Christian tradition. They believe in a dark power. LaVey was very against drugs or anything that would make you lose control. Nor did he go in for sacrifice (human or animal). He pictured more of an occult elite, not a bunch of drunk, doped up kids listening to Black Sabbath.

In my experience, most people who tell a new accquaintance that they are a Satanist are looking for some kind of shock value. True followers generally have no reason to discuss their beliefs with outsiders. They could care less what you think but really don’t care to go through all the questions, etc. that go with trying to explain what they believe. Generally, they do not proslytize. If this girl is fairly young, she may just be looking for something to believe - especially if she oftens quotes LaVey types. If so, she should be pretty open to God if you don’t sound too condecending - that will just push her away.
koda, i am so glad you responded. i found out she indeed is a follower of anton levey philosophy. although she said she didn’t believe in any power coming from anyone or anything of spirit. she thinks it all comes from man. she’s 34 and actually is quiet about her beliefs. to those that know her and visit her house they jokingly call her a satanist because of her (scary and sometimes silly devil paraphernalia). she never made the announcement herself and if fact told me she was upset that people put that term on her, because it makes them think differently about her. although if you read my first post, she didn’t deny being a satanist.

i actually spent a lot of time with her yesterday and i found out she was abused as a child, abandoned by her father and has a baptist background. all in all from what i can tell she is a lovable, kind person that wants friends and i think she just grabbed onto something in error.

koda what was it that made you convert? or at least stop following levey’s beliefs?

i am not very good at talking to people about God. i was always turned off by people preaching and i always believed in God. i don’t know why that is, so i just pray and hope that’s more effective.
i am not very good at talking to people about God. i was always turned off by people preaching and i always believed in God. i don’t know why that is, so i just pray and hope that’s more effective.
Hey, prayer is extremely powerful!! I think that it’s great that you are praying for her. From her background, I can understand how she has become so mixed up, & prayer is the best thing you can do for her…

I have to admit to being more than a little nervous, though, about how much time you spend with this person, only because the whole “New Age” thing is incredibly seductive. You can think that you are just being friendly, & then one day you realize how much of the falseness has crept into your own thinking…Please, please be very cautious!

God bless.
hi everyone.

first off i know i’m new to this forum, but please don’t think my question is a joke. i seriously don’t know what to do.

i haven’t had a chance to talk to my priest about this yet but here goes…

i moved to a town where i didn’t really know anyone and it has been hard making friends my age. i finally met a woman that i really liked and got along with well. i overheard someone make a joke about her being a satanist and i thought he was kidding, but he meant it. so of course i asked her and she said she was, but that it “probably wasn’t what i thought it was”. she has pets that she loves and seems like a kind, sane person so i’m not sure what to do. i want to talk to her to see if there is some way of getting her to change, but at the same time my family and older friends say to stay away from her. unfortunately, this is a small town (asheville, nc) and i will keep running into her. in fact, i’m finding that there are many, many people into witchcraft, paganism, druidism, and satanism around here and it’s really upsetting me. yes there are many christians, but they are mostly baptist.

what should i do besides pray for her? hopefully a priest will respond to this.

Keep a water gun full of holy water next to you at all times! Memorise the St Michael Prayer, and for your own safety get to a Pious Goods Stall, buy as many medals from as many different Saints as you can, melt em down into one big necklace and your set…
I once spent 4 days with a satanist, theological discussions were interesting, but polite on both sides. niether of us would even consider changing our ways.

stay strong,know your faith & be the politest & best witness you can be, I doubt you’ll have any real problems.
(it’s sstill a smart thing to consult your priest)
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