Sometimes I think the Democrats are walking into walls

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Speaking of Democrats:

The Guru Speaks

by: Roger L. Simon

Sometimes I think the Democrats are walking into walls. (Hey, and I’m still a Democrat. Too lazy to go and register as an Independent or unconsciously reluctant? You decide.) Their latest silliness was visible all over the networks last night where one after the other were opining that Alan Greenspan would put the kibosh on private Social Security accounts during his Congressional testimony today. Prominent among them was Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid who was then shown *advocating *those same private accounts only a few short years ago. Was Reid having a senior moment or just being a partisan hack? I hope it’s the former because the latter is almost ludicrously self-destructive in this instance. Clinton, as is well known, advocated the same thing during *his *administration. What’s with these Democrats? They’re starting to make Tom Delay look good. Not.-ed. Okay, not.]

Of course, the world now knows what Greenspan hath decreed. Is he right? Beats me. But I’d trust him over Harry Reid in a New York minute. And so would anybody else with an ounce of sense.

I think this whole story has an interesting reflection in the War in Iraq. Those same Democrats who only favored private Social Security accounts when they were in power are the same people who backed Clinton completely during the unseating of Milosevic, but are opponents of the more geo-strategically important unseating of Saddam. Would they have been for the same War in Iraq under the same conditions with the same results had Clinton been in power? I’d bet my house on it. And the same goes for most of the war’s media opponents. This is power/party politics with the thinnest veneer of logical rationalization.
Its going, its going, its GONE. Another one knocked out of the park by right handed slugger gilliam.
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