since we are on the topic:
Madrid, Feb. 15, 2005 (CNA) - In an interview with the Spanish magazine Alba, Bishop Juan Antonio Reig Pla of Segorbe-Castellón, Spain, explained the origin of gender ideology and laid out seven concepts Catholics should keep in mind in understanding the “gay phenomenon” in Spain and the rest of the world.
The bishop explained that gender ideology began with the “fraudulent Kinsey Report at the end of the 1940s,” which “was an invitation to all kinds of sexual experimentations” and disrupted the proper order of human relationships: “marriage-love-sexuality (man and woman)-procreation.”
Later, Bishop Reig Pla indicated step by step the stages that led to the emergence of gender ideology. “First, sexuality without marriage: so-called free love. Then, sexuality without openness to children: contraception and abortion. Later, sexuality without love: having sex, pornography, etc. Later, having children without sex: assisted reproduction. Lastly, sexuality was separated from the person: there is no longer male and female; sex is an anatomic feature with no anthropological relevance. One can choose to sexually configure oneself according to one’s wishes: heterosexual man, homosexual man, heterosexual woman, transsexuals. Gender ideology was born.”
The bishop denounced the existence of a gay lobby made up of associations that coordinate in apply pressure in society, in the media and in politics. He also pointed to the existence of “political homosexuality as a fundamental tool of pressure used by the gay lobby.” This strategy aims to convince politicians of the political benefits of making legislative concessions to the homosexual lobby.
Likewise, Bishop Reig Pla warned that the “gay culture” is “the ultimate end of the gay lobby. It’s a gay civilization in which homosexuality, or at least bisexuality, is ‘natural’ and universally accepted and practiced” Lastly, he denounced the emergence of a “gay theology” which is an extension of the gay lobby and has infiltrated all Christian denominations and the Catholic Church. Its representatives have systematically elaborated an absolutely heretical body of doctrine. This theology seeks to seduce some, divide Catholics and disparage pastors by spreading these ideas through the media.”
Madrid, Feb. 15, 2005 (CNA) - In an interview with the Spanish magazine Alba, Bishop Juan Antonio Reig Pla of Segorbe-Castellón, Spain, explained the origin of gender ideology and laid out seven concepts Catholics should keep in mind in understanding the “gay phenomenon” in Spain and the rest of the world.
The bishop explained that gender ideology began with the “fraudulent Kinsey Report at the end of the 1940s,” which “was an invitation to all kinds of sexual experimentations” and disrupted the proper order of human relationships: “marriage-love-sexuality (man and woman)-procreation.”
Later, Bishop Reig Pla indicated step by step the stages that led to the emergence of gender ideology. “First, sexuality without marriage: so-called free love. Then, sexuality without openness to children: contraception and abortion. Later, sexuality without love: having sex, pornography, etc. Later, having children without sex: assisted reproduction. Lastly, sexuality was separated from the person: there is no longer male and female; sex is an anatomic feature with no anthropological relevance. One can choose to sexually configure oneself according to one’s wishes: heterosexual man, homosexual man, heterosexual woman, transsexuals. Gender ideology was born.”
The bishop denounced the existence of a gay lobby made up of associations that coordinate in apply pressure in society, in the media and in politics. He also pointed to the existence of “political homosexuality as a fundamental tool of pressure used by the gay lobby.” This strategy aims to convince politicians of the political benefits of making legislative concessions to the homosexual lobby.
Likewise, Bishop Reig Pla warned that the “gay culture” is “the ultimate end of the gay lobby. It’s a gay civilization in which homosexuality, or at least bisexuality, is ‘natural’ and universally accepted and practiced” Lastly, he denounced the emergence of a “gay theology” which is an extension of the gay lobby and has infiltrated all Christian denominations and the Catholic Church. Its representatives have systematically elaborated an absolutely heretical body of doctrine. This theology seeks to seduce some, divide Catholics and disparage pastors by spreading these ideas through the media.”