Spanish bishop explains “gay phenomenon” and origin of gender ideology

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since we are on the topic:

Madrid, Feb. 15, 2005 (CNA) - In an interview with the Spanish magazine Alba, Bishop Juan Antonio Reig Pla of Segorbe-Castellón, Spain, explained the origin of gender ideology and laid out seven concepts Catholics should keep in mind in understanding the “gay phenomenon” in Spain and the rest of the world.

The bishop explained that gender ideology began with the “fraudulent Kinsey Report at the end of the 1940s,” which “was an invitation to all kinds of sexual experimentations” and disrupted the proper order of human relationships: “marriage-love-sexuality (man and woman)-procreation.”

Later, Bishop Reig Pla indicated step by step the stages that led to the emergence of gender ideology. “First, sexuality without marriage: so-called free love. Then, sexuality without openness to children: contraception and abortion. Later, sexuality without love: having sex, pornography, etc. Later, having children without sex: assisted reproduction. Lastly, sexuality was separated from the person: there is no longer male and female; sex is an anatomic feature with no anthropological relevance. One can choose to sexually configure oneself according to one’s wishes: heterosexual man, homosexual man, heterosexual woman, transsexuals. Gender ideology was born.”

The bishop denounced the existence of a gay lobby made up of associations that coordinate in apply pressure in society, in the media and in politics. He also pointed to the existence of “political homosexuality as a fundamental tool of pressure used by the gay lobby.” This strategy aims to convince politicians of the political benefits of making legislative concessions to the homosexual lobby.

Likewise, Bishop Reig Pla warned that the “gay culture” is “the ultimate end of the gay lobby. It’s a gay civilization in which homosexuality, or at least bisexuality, is ‘natural’ and universally accepted and practiced” Lastly, he denounced the emergence of a “gay theology” which is an extension of the gay lobby and has infiltrated all Christian denominations and the Catholic Church. Its representatives have systematically elaborated an absolutely heretical body of doctrine. This theology seeks to seduce some, divide Catholics and disparage pastors by spreading these ideas through the media.”
that’s a good explanation of the problem. even here on catholic answers forums, you get attacked for saying anything against homosexuality. part of the homo agenda is to make everyone treat them like they are a minority or ethnic group. every one thinks gay men are just funny artistic/creative guys that act feminine like on “queer eye for a straight guy” or that other sitcom with the two homos on it. they never show the disgusting things they do to themselves and their bodies. the spread of the aids virus is a result of their perversion. i think after these shows they should show footage of a colonoscopy.
Chastity and homosexuality

Homosexuality refers to relations between men or between women who experience an exclusive or predominant sexual attraction toward persons of the same sex. It has taken a great variety of forms through the centuries and in different cultures. Its psychological genesis remains largely unexplained. Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity,141 tradition has always declared that "homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered."142 They are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be approved.

2358 The number of men and women who have deep-seated homosexual tendencies is not negligible. This inclination, which is objectively disordered, constitutes for most of them a trial. They must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided. These persons are called to fulfill God’s will in their lives and, if they are Christians, to unite to the sacrifice of the Lord’s Cross the difficulties they may encounter from their condition.

2359 Homosexual persons are called to chastity. By the virtues of self-mastery that teach them inner freedom, at times by the support of disinterested friendship, by prayer and sacramental grace, they can and should gradually and resolutely approach Christian perfection.

– Catholic Catechism
Bravo to the Bishop. Would that such reason would cross the ocean and land in the Orange Diocese and other dissenting parishes.

Lisa N
Lisa N:
Bravo to the Bishop. Would that such reason would cross the ocean and land in the Orange Diocese and other dissenting parishes.

Lisa N
I second those comments.

I think that Bishop needs to go back a little further than Kinsey in the 40s…try another 3000 years and check the Bible for messed up sexual problems…really…it all started with Kinsey cracks me up… 😛 and I am NOT a supporter of that twisted mans ideology…heck forget about 3000 Years…what about The Marquis De Sade? He wrote as well… though not entirely accurate, did anyone see the Bio Lite QUILLS? I think the De Sade kinda pre dates Kinsey… I understand what the Bishop is TRYING to say…but I disagree when people try to make it so easy to P(name removed by moderator)OINT the EXACT time when “it all went to hell in a handbasket”

The bible was telling us about screwed up sex LONG BEFORE Kinsey talked about it… and talking about it as if its normal DOESNT influence anymore than reading about it as History.


Sex with inlaws
Sex with Fathers
Gay sex

Sounds like Kinsey had some reference material as a starting point. 😉 My point is that too many religious think that if a moral upright family read Kinsey than they were NOW open to what he talked about… thats rubbish. Those who ALREADY have a proclivity to that behavior just used the material as an EXCUSE to JUSTIFY themselves for what they ALREADY were either doing or thinking about doing… I’ll say it again… inordinate behavior has been around LONG before Kinsey, Hollywood or the MTV generation.
Faithful I agree that perverted sexual behavior long predated Kinsey. I think the Bishop’s point though is that Kinsey “freed” people to consider other forms of sexual activity as normal. IOW you are right people were probably doing all of this stuff since the beginning of time but it wasn’t validated by “science” before Kinsey. That scientific blessing allowed more public discussion and display of perversion.

Honestly look back at old movies from the 50s. Do you think the public would have accepted open homosexuality? How about oral sex by the President of the United States reported on the Huntley Brinkley show?

Kinsey didn’t create Pandora’s Box but he opened it.

Lisa N
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