Spanish Catholics mount opposition to Socialist education reform

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Hundreds of thousands protested a controversial education bill last weekend.

By Geoff Pingree and Lisa Abend | *Correspondents of The Christian Science Monitor *

MADRID – Spain’s parliament opened debate this week on a controversial education bill that modifies state support for religious instruction. While the bill largely upholds protections already in place, many of the country’s Catholics have loudly denounced it, saying it would diminish parents’ rights to educate children according to their values.

Some observers contend that many Spanish Catholics, who have witnessed the Zapatero government legalize gay marriage and stem-cell research, may oppose the legislation primarily because they are anxious about the government creating a fully secular state.

At a rally organized by the Catholic Church and the opposition Popular Party (PP), hundreds of thousands turned out last weekend to protest the bill . . .
I grieve for once-Catholic Spain.
It is awful what that country has come to.
I was in that demonstration, I am very happy, Spain is awakening up.
Good News!👍
We are all going to need all the allies we are going to need. We are in a world wide war. One we haven’t seen since the Cruasades. If the western world is going to survive we are going to have to work together. We will have to fast, pray and do penance. Where have I heard that before? Fatima anyone.
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