While you order me to have more respect for the priestly office, at the same time your wanting to believe that all is hay okay with the Church’s SECRECY does in fact injustice to the really good HOLY and psychologically sound seminarians and priests, by giving off the idea that the priest is a miniture god and therefore can NEVER do anything wrong. Also, God forbid anything would ever be pointed out by the poor ignorant lay people as us. After all, we are not priests, ONLY they know. The attacks only come from a horrible media and all are lies, there is never anything wrong, it’s that those lay people are against us, and want to break our wall of secrecy and superiority OVER them. Are these the ideas you are supporting?? Well, I know MANY a priest who say things like I just posted. What a UN-charity and INjustice to the victims of secrecy and abuse in the church. The clericalism and authoritarianism=“the laity don’t really know, only we do and they must do what WE priests say” MUST end.