Speaking to dead grandmother?

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I’m 23. My grandmother died when I was 16. Since then I have had a lot of dreams with her. Now I’m not into dream interpretation or anything like that. Most dreams of her seem non-important, she is usually a prop or figment like any other “dream person.” But I have had about 5 dreams where it really felt like her. In all 5 of them she’s escorted by 2 men in suits (secret service looking men) who gave the impression as angels. In all 5 she was timed meaning after we talked for so long they came and got her and escorted her away. In 2 dreams I asked her if she had been in heaven and the 2 men immediately came and got her before she could answer. My question is could the possibly really be her? Does god maybe allow the dead to visit people in dreams?
sometimes, dreams are just dreams.
I certainly don’t see God allowing someone’s grandmother a visit only to have her forcefully removed by angels in suits.
Another interpretation (that I don’t subscribe to myself at all) is that a Demon impersonated your grandmother in your dream and God sent angels to return it to Hell. 😅
The only way to know is to pray to God while you are awake. And ask him to show you if there is anything you need to learn from the dreams.

Maybe you just have these dreams because you miss her?
I think you are right, sometimes, dreams are just dreams.
I am currently on all manner of drugs as prophylaxis, being immune compromised from a stem cell transplant. Quite possibly for this reason, my dreams are absolutely crazy, often disturbing and/or abnormally nonsensical and I am frequently relieved to awaken from them.

There is a cause, but we do not often know exactly what it is. I think Tis_Bearself’s idea of prayer for the grandmother is excellent. It will be a positive activity that is satisfying when awake and may place those dreams in perspective.
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