Actually they are working on it. Several public schools in my county have state clinics run INSIDE the school instead of a school nurse. They are mostly in the lower-income communities at this point and supposedly they won’t use the clinic doctors for your kids w/o permission, but… well I’m not buying it. They market it as convience for the parents and kids. Kid sick at school? You don’t have to leave work, we’ve got a dr right here! Need a sports physical? Doctor is right here! But it’s easy to see it spilling over…
Need birth control? Down the hall and to the right.
We think you’re abusing your chid’s right to decide their medical needs? Medical opinion from our friends right across the hall.
We think your kid needs ADHD meds because we’re sick of dealing with him? Well that dr over there agrees and can give the pill every morning before classes start.
okay seriously I’m going off-line now.
You said it all with that one word: “child”, which equals Minor – not mature or educated enough to be able to decide his/her medical needs. That’s why they have parents or legal guardians.RE: We think you’re abusing your child’s right to decide their medical needs? Medical opinion from our friends right across the hall.
Since my daughter started public school over a year ago, all I’ve been hearing about are her rights; her opinions, her decisions, her ability to think for herself, etc.
It seems like the agenda of the Public School system is to undermine the authority of parents and guardians.
Honestly, if I we could afford it, she’d be out of PS and in a Catholic HS, in the blink of an eye.
We’re already having trouble with her. Defiance is number one on the list.
God Bless!