Spiritual Capsules LouiseC

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128- Going round in circles.

As the Son of Man Has not come to be served but to serve,
and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
(Matthew 20, 28)

Place your fate in God’s hands to avoid
going round in circles. (L.C.)
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I note the publication I write to avoid publishing a second time
It is a catalog number that LouiseC uses for things she has written.

LouiseC, thank you for posting that saying.
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I wrote many publications and I want to publish it only once.
So I take note of everything that I publish.

I hope my English is good enough, because I used to publish in French on Facebook.
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I wrote many publications and I want to publish it only once.
So I take note of everything that I publish.

I hope my English is good enough, because I used to publish in French on Facebook.
I was thinking when I asked, that you might expand on why you posted that Bible Verse and what it means to you and what you are hoping I would get out of it as a reader in regards to going around in circles/
Life is easier when we have faith.
When we let God love us.

We make better choices when we accept His love in our heart.
I had a picture who explained my post, but I cannot post pictures.
I am a new member. I hope I will be able soon.
I try to know how this forum works.

And I sincerely hope my English is good enough to be understood.

There is my presentation post, as a new member…
Hi! I am Louise Cardin.
Thank you for accepting me in this forum.

I am a Canadian member who lives in Quebec in St-Hyacinthe Diocese.
Everything I write and every picture I publish is copyright free.

All I wish is that everybody knows God’s love. So I put down in words everything that is in my heart, hoping that the love of God goes from heart to heart. Knowing that my English is not as good as it should be, I take the risk to write posts that I call Spiritual Capsules LouiseC.

May the love of God travel all around the world by passing through everybody’s heart who receives Him.

Louise + + +
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Hi Louise, I am Australian. I have not been around long either. I really enjoy these forums, they have kept me occupied and level headed at times, during the Covid lockdown here.
My Spiritual Director says that if we feel peace, then we know we are doing what God wants.

Peace to you.
159- Jesus is already at work

Be glad and rejoice forever in what I will create,
for I will create Jerusalem to be a delight and its people a joy.
(Isaiah, 65, 18)

Lord, we believe that You are already at work
and we savour the wonders You do.

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128- Going round in circles.

As the Son of Man Has not come to be served but to serve,
and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
(Matthew 20, 28)

Place your fate in God’s hands to avoid
going round in circles. (L.C.)
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Bienvenue à CAF!

We use post instead of publish for both the verb and the noun, so we would say what you said like this:
I wrote many publications and I want to publish it only once.
I write a lot of posts and I want to post each only once.
128- Going round in circles.

As the Son of Man Has not come to be served but to serve,
and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
(Matthew 20, 28)

Place your fate in God’s hands to avoid
going round in circles. (L.C.)
I also value personal insights! Even today at the cusp of my old age, I still give these types of valued insights to my adult children. ❤️
Two crowned…

One makes you sick
The other One heals!

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145- Let’s reflect Love

Knowing that God Loves us as big as the sky,
Let us reflect His Love on each other.

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