Dose your spirituality seen a little dry sometimes? Sometimes I feel like I’m riding on air and sometimes I’m berley hanging on.
Trucker:Dose your spirituality seen a little dry sometimes? Sometimes I feel like I’m riding on air and sometimes I’m berley hanging on.
Rosary has always worked for me too, Monica.Yes …you are not alone…recitation of the Rosary helps me…as a matter of fact off I go, actually I will offer it up for you![]()
Sounds to me like you are making real progress in your spiritual journey. Many of the greatest saints describe exactly what you are talking about. Some to the point that they questioned whether they were ever going to make it to heaven. I have heard this dryness explained as a gift from God. God wants us to love Him for who He is, not for the feelings this relationship brings. I have not had many periods of dryness, and certainly not to the degree that others have described. Perhaps this is a reminder to me that I have a long way to go. Continue to pray and persevere.Dose your spirituality seen a little dry sometimes? Sometimes I feel like I’m riding on air and sometimes I’m berley hanging on.
Dryness=faithPraying is a part of our spiritual journey. Have you ever been on a trip or a hike, and it seemed that you are no closer than you were one hour ago? What do you do? You keep on going. Spiritual dryness is normal. You must keep on going, and it will pass. Never forget the goal or the others on the journey with you. Besides the fact that you have dryness says to me that you are at a point where you can have dryness. Just keep on!