This is a generic type of remark. I asked about the specific problem, namely if you can come up with anything that would justify to allow a psychopath to use another human being for the sole purpose of deriving pleasure from the pain, torture and degradation of another human being.
Of course. If allowing that person to be used results in a better state for the victim, I would certainly allow it. Suppose that interfering will only cause more emotional damage for the victim. I would not interfere because it would only make the situation worse. For God, interfering will often make the situation worse, because self-love can grow out of comfort.
Remember that heaven is the best thing possible for us. It would be better to suffer for a lifetime if that suffering brought about salvation than to live a lifetime of comfort and end up with eternal separation.
The reason suffering is so effective in bringing us to salvation is the way that it demands that we choose selflessness or self-love. A person suffering can begin to turn inward and wallow in the pain or turn outward and endure the pain for others. Suffering is a very practical way of bringing the issue of God and selflessness into focus, and demanding a decision that could be delayed too long. This will be expounded on in the next post about the CS Lewis quote.
God allows us to suffer so that we have to make the choice, and tries everything He can to encourage us to make the right choice.
Except that there is no “opting out”. The “reward” for suicide is eternal torture. God does not give us an option whether one wishes to be created or not.
It may not be logically possible to choose to be uncreated in timeless eternity since such a choice would be exercising the fundamental quality of humanity. If so, any choice to be uncreated would need to be made while alive. Of course, if God fulfilled such a request there would be no second chance for the person. Since such a request would be so bizarre and unusual, God would probably want to give them a second chance and refrain from fulfilling it.
Suppose someone ran up to you heartbroken by a breakup and demanded that you shoot him or her immediately. Would you immediately shoot the person, or give him or her time to think it over? Such a request would be so crazy that the person is probably out of his or her mind.
Ah, but the question is: do you agree with it? indeed if one realizes that God cannot know the unknowable, then God is pretty much off the hook. But are you willing to “pay” this price?
I haven’t decided personally, because I have done little research on the subject. I doubt there has been an infallible pronouncement either way.
Even if he does, it is few and far between. And there is not one documented case of God reaching down and rescuing a tortured victim.
Documentation goes back about 5,000 years or so in Europe, less for other parts of the world. Humanity has probably been around a bit longer than that. How do you know such events have not occured?
Anyway, God would not have to come down in a great showy display. It would be sufficient to slightly alter the physcial circumstances to avoid death- such as directing the bullet that hit Pope John Paul II.
Everytime you see a bad result, you blame God for not helping. What do you think when you see a close call? What is God doing there?
Maybe close calls are the events where God intervened, and the real thing is where God, in His wisdom, refrained from intervening. Statistically, which is greater- close calls or actual events? Unless you know this statistic, you do not know how often God intervenes.
So be it… “The Lord giveth, the Lord taketh away, blessed be the name of the Lord.” Right? Even if that comes at the expense of human dignity? I thought that not even God can use humans while violating their human dignity… and there not a whole lot more undignifying than being used by a sick psychopath.
Lets look at our choices.
- Allow God to work through you, and have a relationship with God for eternity.
- Refuse to allow God to work through you, and don’t have a relationship with Him.