If he’d restricted himself to saying that the modern church has
downplayed the role of the Mass as a propitiatory sacrifice he would have made a good and valid point.
To say it’s totally denied it, as he does, is going too far. After all, the words of Institution still do contain the phrase ‘this is my body, which will be given up for you’ and ‘this is the cup of my blood … it will be shed for you … for the forgiveness of sins’. That’s the essence of propitiatory sacrifice right there.
And there are at least a few other points in the NO Mass in which references are made, for example, to ‘the Victim whose death has reconciled us to yourself’. And the word ‘sacrifice’ itself is used at least a couple of times.
Otherwise, in terms of the explanation of the Sacrament itself, it sounds quite a bit like the speeches my old Bishop used to make. He wasn’t a great speechifier so, since I sang in the choir for confirmation for a few years in a row I got to hear it many times over