thanks you @Irishmon for this information that I learned through this threat.
Saint Nicolas du Chardonneret is the main SSPX parish of France. the community occupied it illegally since they hunt the local ordinary decades ago… So you can understant that this question of liturgy is much more crucial and a battle field in France than in many others countries.
The community is not afraid of doing things that can be illegal.
I am not sure why they weren’t all fined.
According to the article of Le point, the participants weren’t all fined because they were all gone when the police came.
135 € is what we paid when one person is catch as not respected the confinement rules, such as going out without a written paper with a necessity reason. This priest had the same penalty, according to what I read.
No, your article is quoting a mendacious article in Le Point which is a disgrace.
The problem is that the FPPX didn’t hide the mass. They broascast it live on “youtube”. You can watch part of the video on this TV station,
BFMTV. The priests were not respected the barriers gestures that we are all mandate to have such as 1 meter betweem each other. They also gave the communion on the tongue which is very risky.
VIDÉO - Une messe pascale clandestine s'est tenue dans la nuit de samedi à dimanche à l’église traditionaliste Saint-Nicolas-du-Chardonnet à Paris, en présence de fidèles, et le prêtre a été verbalisé pour non-respect du confinement, a-t-on appris de source policière. Les policiers ont été...
I don’t know why you said that it is not true when the FPPX apparently don’t hide the fact.
All the press speak of this event. If you prefer a catholic source, rather than
Le point, here from the catholic daily newspaper
La Croix:
Une messe pascale clandestine s'est tenue dans la nuit de samedi à dimanche à l'église traditionaliste Saint-Nicolas-du-Chardonnet à Paris, en présence de fidèles, et le prêtre a été verbalisé pour non-respect du confinement, a-t-on appris de source policière.
On the contrary we have a mass all sunday on public french TV. Since the confinement, only 4 priests and two technicians paticipated in it. They keep one meter of distance between everbody and took the communion without any contact with another.
For more context, for burials we cannot be more than 20 people, only close family.
And it is nearly impossible to have religious funeral. I strongly suspect that funeral officers push hard for cremation for it being easier for them. I think it is much more difficult than missing one Easter mass.
for my threat on the confinement as a Frenchwoman, it is there:
Confinement diary. For pandemic prevention Family Life
April 10, Holy Friday Today no chemin de croix! Sadly! The baccalaureate has been suppressed. The students, for the first time, would be graduated only by the evaluations they made through the school year… At first the governement had great ambitions for the confinement time: to homeschool the millions of French students. Yet, it had quickly collapsed. The new goal is only keep a link between tecahers and the children, to intectually stimulate them and to maintain what had been already lear…