SSPX reading materials

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Actually… In 1999 Bishop Fellay gave a talk at the SSPX Church in Dickinson Texas (near where I used to live). After the talk I went into the sacristy to speak with him. He was talking to another priest and had a thick brooklyn accent. When he saw me he immediately switched to his phony French accent. Then, after leaving, I stayed near the door to listen, and heard him again switch back to his normal brooklyn accent. What a phony!

Hrmm, did you forget the “Thous shalt not bear false witness”.
I can’t condemn you, only God can do that, but I don’t think He looks too favorably on liars.
Hrmm, did you forget the “Thous shalt not bear false witness”.
I can’t condemn you, only God can do that, but I don’t think He looks too favorably on liars.
It was a joke.
Having sex with your wife was considered sinful by heretics, never by the Church.

unfortunately, that is not true. The early fatheres taught that all sex was sinful, even in marriage. even St Gregory the Great stated this.
unfortunately, that is not true. The early fatheres taught that all sex was sinful, even in marriage. even St Gregory the Great stated this.
No way. What you may be referring to is that in the early years when Priests were married, they were required to be celebate. Since they freely took a vow of celibacy before God, having relations with their spouse would have been sinful. Not because the marital act is sinful between married couples, but because they had taken a vow of celibacy.
Thanks for (name removed by moderator)ut. I’ll be looking into some of these articles later. Unfortunately, I believe our topic of conversation for April will be Pope John Paul II’s legacy. (Hopefully, everyone understands the unfortunate part in that statement and realizes it’s because I’m in no hurry to discuss JP II as the former pope and not because I think it’s unfortunate that he is/was the pope - one never knows on these threads.)


You are very very angry at SSPX, why is that may I ask? And your protection of Jews is admirable, but I think that they have about 1,000 Jewish organizations and shark Lawyers scouring the websites looking for something they can insinuate is anti-semitic so they can launch one big lawsuit.

Hey-according to the Jews, the Gospels, according to them, especially the Book of Matthew is antisemitic because they decided to call the Blood curse down upon themselves (I am waiting for yet another Politically Correct Translation of the New American Bible-As Catholics Accuracy and History and Saving souls no longer counts, we are in the businesses of being liked), among other things of course. And what does the Catholic church do? They cave into them. But we are reminded day in and day out about the Inquisition, which was a defense against the Moslems in Spain, about the Holocaust, etc etc . And we even have Pope JPII apologizing. How sad, but it took a Trad to stand firm and make a movie about Our Lord which illustrated him in a fashionable way-and not as Hollywood and the Jews want him to be illustrated.

If the Jews believe that their messiah must be a descendent of King David and a Priest descended from Aaron-do they have tabs on the descendents any more? So I do think any intelligent man or woman would know that Our Lord fullfilled the prophesies of the Old Testament.

So getting back to my original question-why such hatred towards SSPX and none towards the Protestants, the Jews, the Orthodox Schismatics, the Moslems who are killing Christians as we speak? Why Why Why??? Just wondering.
Sean O L:
BulldogCath wrote:

Yap, yap, yap! I can see your tail wagging from here.

Seriously, though, it would be hard to imagine a more anti-semetic racist bigot than the combination SSPXer/Feeneyite Thomas Sparks, of whom I wrote in “The Jews”

What an enormous change has been wrought in his newly reorgainzed website HERE

His “old” attitudes can still be seen by utilising The Internet Archive Wayback Machine as

Having activated the above URL, type in the URL - then actvate the last entry for Feb 11, 2004.

How great is the Mercy of Our Lord Jesus Christ!

You are very very angry at SSPX, why is that may I ask? And your protection of Jews is admirable, but I think that they have about 1,000 Jewish organizations and shark Lawyers scouring the websites looking for something they can insinuate is anti-semitic so they can launch one big lawsuit.

Hey-according to the Jews, the Gospels, according to them, especially the Book of Matthew is antisemitic because they decided to call the Blood curse down upon themselves (I am waiting for yet another Politically Correct Translation of the New American Bible-As Catholics Accuracy and History and Saving souls no longer counts, we are in the businesses of being liked), among other things of course. And what does the Catholic church do? They cave into them. But we are reminded day in and day out about the Inquisition, which was a defense against the Moslems in Spain, about the Holocaust, etc etc . And we even have Pope JPII apologizing. How sad, but it took a Trad to stand firm and make a movie about Our Lord which illustrated him in a fashionable way-and not as Hollywood and the Jews want him to be illustrated.

If the Jews believe that their messiah must be a descendent of King David and a Priest descended from Aaron-do they have tabs on the descendents any more? So I do think any intelligent man or woman would know that Our Lord fullfilled the prophesies of the Old Testament.

So getting back to my original question-why such hatred towards SSPX and none towards the Protestants, the Jews, the Orthodox Schismatics, the Moslems who are killing Christians as we speak? Why Why Why??? Just wondering.
Bishop Fellay (did I spell that right?) once told an interesting story. There was a Catholic book fair taking place. At the “book fair” you had protestants (heretics), Jews (unbelievers), and Orthodox (schismatics) - “all the colors were there”. In addition the SSPX had a table. Near the end, someone noticed that the one table belonged to the SSPX - and they through them out!

Do you know why they threw them out? Because they were “schismtic”. But what about the Orthodox, who are truly schismatic. And what about the Protestants who are heretics? They were welcome, but the SSPX, who believes every dogma of the faith, had to go.
No way. What you may be referring to is that in the early years when Priests were married, they were required to be celebate. Since they freely took a vow of celibacy before God, having relations with their spouse would have been sinful. Not because the marital act is sinful between married couples, but because they had taken a vow of celibacy.
Yes,way. scroll back in this thread and look at this also:

“Wherefore, it is necessary that they should efface by frequent prayer what they befoul in the fair form of intercourse by the admixture of pleasure.” 18 Pleasure is a competing principle and when left unregulated will consume and supersede the first principle and eventually leads to greater sins."
Written by Gregory the Great.
BullDogCath wrote:
You are very very angry at SSPX, why is that may I ask? And your protection of Jews is admirable, but I think that they have about 1,000 Jewish organizations and shark Lawyers scouring the websites looking for something they can insinuate is anti-semitic so they can launch one big lawsuit.
Angry? I am, simply, doing penance for my sins. Schism IS a most serious sin. To see so many good persons become involved in serious sin which, possibly, involves the loss of souls, for the lack of solid information - that is a tragedy compounded.

As for the Jews? Because of other events - ought I not attempt to lessen anti-semetism? After all, Jesus, Mary and most of the Apostles were Jews (or Judeans), weren’t they? Ought I to tolerate attacks on THEM because some of the descendents of “the Jews” today do naughty things?
RSiscoe wrote:
Bishop Fellay (did I spell that right?) once told an interesting story. There was a Catholic book fair taking place. At the “book fair” you had protestants (heretics), Jews (unbelievers), and Orthodox (schismatics) - “all the colors were there”. In addition the SSPX had a table. Near the end, someone noticed that the one table belonged to the SSPX - and they through them out!
Do you know why they threw them out? Because they were “schismtic”. But what about the Orthodox, who are truly schismatic. And what about the Protestants who are heretics? They were welcome, but the SSPX, who believes every dogma of the faith, had to go.
Well, that is, simply, the same type of logic (but in reverse) of the old labor principle: “Last man on the job is the first man to loose his job.”

Put in perspective: “The originators of schism (SSPX) bear the greater burden of guilt than the sons of originators (Orthodox, Protestants, etc.)”

In any event, you do not tell the full story upon which one could make an informed descision. Even though it was a “Catholic” book fair - you do not say whether or not permission had been sought by all parties. It would be no surprise, surely, that persons who openly admitted to being what they were (Orthodox, Protestant, etc) might be granted permission; it would NOT be surprising if others (who falsely claim to be in full Communion with Rome, and NOT to be excommunicated nor in a state of schism, etc.) would be excluded on the grounds of false pretences. For they are con-men, are they not?

I am sorry if that does not fit in with your orientation. On the other hand: perhaps the story was another one of your jokes!
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