Ani Ibi:
Dony worry about them, their numbers are nothing. Lucky if its one priest per state. With the number of immgrants coming in the states there will never be a large enough supply for the huge Catholic population.I noticed that too CD. That’s why I drew the comparison with Luther.
In any case, what is on the table so I will know if I meet anyone from the Lefebvrists?
Code:Currently in the American District there are:
Code:50 priests
Code:5 deacons
Code:12 brothers
Code:61 seminarians
Code:24 sisters (technically, they are autonomous of the District)
Code:850 Third Order members
Code:103 chapels
Code:16 priories
Code:3 houses of formation
Code:4 retreat houses
Code:23 schools & 1 college
Code:1 publishing house