Back to the OP’s post, I think the best thing I can think to say is that every religion has it’s “creepy” people. Each religion has people that fall in at every place in the spectrum, from way traditional to the people who practice very losely. There are some SSPXers who are very rude and obnoxiuos, just like Jehovas witnesses, protestants, and catholics who believe that the church should get with the times and allow divorce, contraception and premarital sex. As far as your parish being wrong, it is possible. I know that at my church there are things going on that are wrong. The patents should be there, but they aren’t, people aren’t supopsed to hold hands during the OUr Father, but they do, and women show up wearing immodest clothing and they shouldn’t. Most traditionalists simply have a love for the latin mass. It brings them closer to God. It’s kind of like a painter who finds God in a field of flowers while a composer finds Him in a beautiful voice or piece of music. I’m not saying that Rock and roll can be played at mass just because someone claims to hear God in it, but there are very beautiful english songs as well as latin songs that lift thei heart and mind to God. So, my advice, read the Catechism, pray and meditate on what brings people closer to God, and pray that you can get closer to Him. Don’t worry about feeling that you aren’t a good enough catholic, because honestly, most of us aren’t and if we think we are we are either prideful or kidding ourselves; we can all always make impovements when it comes to living our faith.