St. Anthony just helped me, has any saint ever helped you?

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I looked, but found nothing about saint stories, so im hoping this saint thread will get going.

My favorite saint is St.Anthony. About a week ago me and my aunt were going to antique stores and Swap Meets. We had gone to one Antique store, and then to an indoor swap meet. Well i bought a table for my prayer corner, and we were leaving the swap meet. We get into the car, when i notice that my School I.D. was missing (I was wearing it). I got freaked out and starting looking for the I.D. I went into the swap meet place and began to look, but found nothing. I became really angry with myself, and I began to pray and ask St. Anthony to help me out. We went to the antique store we were at before and i looked in there, found nothing. I again said “St. Anthony, help me out”. Well my aunt stayed in the car talking to her friend, when she said she saw somethign shining. She reached between the car seats, and there was the I.D!!. I was amazed, i thought praying to saints was usless, well that really strengthened my faith.

Anyone else have any Stories about Saints helping you out. If you do, did you asking them for assistance have anything to do witrh their partronage (is that the word?) , If it did, can you please tell me their partranage ( I think im spelling that worng), thanks.
Yes as a matter of fact, it was the same saint. I have a very favorite pen I use all the time at work. I have had this pen a long time and am very attached to it. Well, I left it lying on the desk and someone I guess was playing a trick on me and hid my pen. I was very upset. I prayed the words. “St Anthony come around, somethings lost and must be found”. Well not sooner than 2 seconds after saying that prayer my eyes fell on it in a most unusual place. I would never have thought to look there in a million years. This is not superstition, Its communion of Saints.

I am Catholic but I have been praying mainly to God and saying the Hail Mary. I do know that St. Jude is the patron of desperate causes. I think St. Joseph is the patron of workers.

It’s wonderful that you make your faith part of your life and that you even have a prayer table.
I have found that St. Anthony responds to bribes. When I really need to find something, I first simply ask St. Anthony to help. If the item doesn’t turn up right away, I’ll promise three Hail Marys in his honor if he’ll just help me find the thing. That usually works, but sometimes he holds out for an entire decade of the Rosary!

I’m Baptist signed up for RCIA / RCIC. On the registration form, I put down Archbishop Fulton Sheen as my “spiritual sponsor” for reasons you will understand as I tell my story.

Archbishop Sheen isn’t declared a saint yet by the Church, but he has helped me out big time. And I didn’t really ask him to.

How often do Baptists go to the Catholic bookstore? Me, just once in awhile (maybe once a year because I watched EWTN sometimes and have often watched the Pope on Christmas Eve).

I’ve been out of work since November. So when I went to the Catholic bookstore last June, I was only going to get things if they were really on sale. Nothing full price.

I found a good rosary for me and another for my wife. And I looked through the books. I found a book by Archbishop Sheen that I really wanted – “Life is Worth Living”. But it was full price and almost $20. When I went to put it back, I noticed the one underneath it said “DISCOUNTED – COVER PUT ON UPSIDE DOWN”. I felt as if the Archbishop had arranged for me to have it. So if he was going to do a miracle like that it was because I needed to read it and study it. I couldn’t just put it on the shelf.

I started reading one lesson each day (they are transcribed telecasts but to me they are his lessons). Any time I read a lesson, I found that I really couldn’t think and behave the same way for the rest of the day. My attitude towards sinful behavior would change for the rest of the day. So I started reading earlier in the morning (sometimes missing). I finished reading the book on August 4. And I am starting to re-read it (less frequent than one lesson a day). I got his autobiography at the public library (free) and have started reading it – I’m on chapter 10 now.

My wife always liked certain Catholic prayers. So a little over a week ago, I printed some from the EWTN website. We’ve been praying them together when we go to bed. And I think my wife also prays them in the day. I find when I pray a decade of Hail Mary’s at night just before falling asleep that it helps. Sometimes I hold the rosary in my hand falling asleep (if the angels finish it for me, they may as well be praying with the Church). One time I did fall asleep while praying and it was fairly interesting sleep for an hour until I woke up.

Anyway, when I first prayed the prayer “A Prayer to St. Joseph” with my wife last week, I felt kind of funny asking Joseph “to be my special patron and advocate” because it seemed all to obvious that Fulton Sheen had already stepped up on my behalf. I hope he wasn’t offended or jealous.

I have my first day on a new job tomorrow. I’m not sure when the second day of work is (perhaps Thursday or even Monday next week). But if it works out, I’ll be taking the commuter train to Washington DC and working at a government site in L’Enfant Plaza. May God watch over all of us taking commuter trains to Washington DC – you know what happened in Madrid Spain before their election.

Pray also for my wife and children who are not yet thinking of joining the Catholic Church. I’m getting my wife to pray the prayers more regularly first, then hope after a short while she will also want to be Catholic of her own will. It only took me a few days of praying Hail Marys at night – and then see St. Mary more different than before.
We have been praying to St. Joseph to help sell our home for about 6 weeks now so far no buyers but we are praying hard. He is the patron St of home and familes and we have faith.

Please pray for us as we need to get out of our area as it is going down fast and we are disabled and need to get to a better area.Our home has been on the market almost 5 months now, our town is depressed and major job losses and real estate maket flooded.
God Bless all
I have found that St. Anthony responds to bribes. When I really need to find something, I first simply ask St. Anthony to help. If the item doesn’t turn up right away, I’ll promise three Hail Marys in his honor if he’ll just help me find the thing. That usually works, but sometimes he holds out for an entire decade of the Rosary!

In a similar vein, I was told by the local Carmelite nuns (could be a Carmelite tradition??) that if you asked anything major of St Anthony, he expected you to donate money to the missions (or, I guess, some other worthy cause)
This was borne out for me when my cat went missing a few years ago, for a week. In mid-winter, and I’d looked everywhere and tried everything. Of course I asked St Anthony, and the Carmelites, who told me of St Anthony’s expectations with regard to giving money “to the missions”. As it happened, I had a request for a donation to Caritas New Zealand lying on my table, and as soon as I posted the cheque (praying again to St Anthony) my cat turned up about an hour later!!

A Te numquam separari permittas - never let me be separated from you
I was named after St. Therese. Growing up, my mom used novenas to her as a kind of spiritual “911”.

When the man I had been dating proposed to me, I said a novena asking for discernment. It was late October, 1983. We had already had a couple of killing frosts that year, and so all of my plants were dormant.

We were on our way back from the hospital, after having taken some required blood tests before our marriage. When we got out of the car, my next door neighbor greeted us. He kept asking excitedly, “What did you do with your rose bushes? You HAVE to tell me!”

I had no idea what he was talking about. My rose bushes had been dormant for a few weeks by then.

He took me by the hand and led us to my apartment door. On each side of the door was a rose bush…in full bloom.

We’re still married, almost 21 years later.
I was named after St. Therese. Growing up, my mom used novenas to her as a kind of spiritual “911”.

When the man I had been dating proposed to me, I said a novena asking for discernment. It was late October, 1983. We had already had a couple of killing frosts that year, and so all of my plants were dormant.

We were on our way back from the hospital, after having taken some required blood tests before our marriage. When we got out of the car, my next door neighbor greeted us. He kept asking excitedly, “What did you do with your rose bushes? You HAVE to tell me!”

I had no idea what he was talking about. My rose bushes had been dormant for a few weeks by then.

He took me by the hand and led us to my apartment door. On each side of the door was a rose bush…in full bloom.

We’re still married, almost 21 years later.
Thats a good story, touching.
St Anthony has never let me down. I lost a Miraculous Medal that I wore everyday for years. It had fallen off my chain and was gone for 2 weeks.

Then I was grocery shopping and was inspired to check at the service desk to see if anyone had turned it in…low and behold it was there in an envelope.

It was St. Anthony!
I have started also asking him for other things as he is also known for more miraculous things than just finding stuff. But I will try the old Saintly bribery that Baltobetsy suggested. I have some tall orders to fill lately and need the whole team of Saints of the impossible situations to help. My superstar team includes: St Rita, St Jude, St Therese, St Joseph, St Anthony, St Pio, and now Maria Esperanza.
Call me pendantic, but…

Do Saints really have the power to help us? I thought all they could do would be to ask God on our behalf.

In other words, I didn’t think St. Anthony could help us find our widget, nor could St. Joseph sell our house, but that these miracles were reserved for God alone. All St. Anthony can do is to go to God on our behalf.

Am I wrong on this? (It wouldn’t be the first time I was wrong). Or is saying “St. Whoever helped me” just a literary short-hand for saying “St. Whoever petitioned God on my behalf, and God answered the prayer”?
No - you are correct. Like praying to the BVM for intercession, you should pray to the Saints for intercession.
Or is saying “St. Whoever helped me” just a literary short-hand for saying “St. Whoever petitioned God on my behalf, and God answered the prayer”?
Picky, picky, picky! 😃
Yes, that’s exactly what I mean. Thanks for clarifying it for others who might misunderstand.

St. Cecilia has interceded on behalf of me and my parish choir a number of times. Our choir always begins rehearsal with a prayer and we always ask St. Cecilia to pray for us. We keep getting better, all the more impressive because only a couple of members have formal training and a significant number of members don’t read music!

I took St. Cecilia’s name at my Confirmation, and didn’t think much of it except that she was patroness of musicians, and since I liked to sing I thought that was a good thing. I had always been petrified to sing by myself, and was nervous about being the cantor at a teen group Mass the night after my Confirmation. Lo and behold, once I started singing, the stage fright went away and I did well. I’ve been a cantor at my parish for almost 5 years now, and I always pray before Mass to help me get through the nerves and proclaim God’s Word in the psalm and the prayers. It helps to know that St. Cecilia is praying for me as well.🙂
I did not mean to imply we have been praying to St. Joseph only to help sell our home, we ask God helps first and then ask St. Joseph to intercede on our behalf.

We know god is first in our lives. I guess we need to be careful how we word comments on this board so others won’t misunderstand.
God Bless everyone!
I was named after St. Therese. Growing up, my mom used novenas to her as a kind of spiritual “911”.

When the man I had been dating proposed to me, I said a novena asking for discernment. It was late October, 1983. We had already had a couple of killing frosts that year, and so all of my plants were dormant.

We were on our way back from the hospital, after having taken some required blood tests before our marriage. When we got out of the car, my next door neighbor greeted us. He kept asking excitedly, “What did you do with your rose bushes? You HAVE to tell me!”

I had no idea what he was talking about. My rose bushes had been dormant for a few weeks by then.

He took me by the hand and led us to my apartment door. On each side of the door was a rose bush…in full bloom.

Beautiful story… I too call upon Therese in a 911 and I almost always receive a rose, not always a real one…it can be a picture and one time it was the Volunteer at the hospital who helped the families of dying patients…her name was Rosa! And, I used to call her “my Angel” because she seemed to anticpate my every need at that awful time in my life…It was then that she told me it was kind of ironic because her name in German, which was Engle, meant angel…
And, not to hijack this thread about St. Anthony…lately I’ve been finding lots of lost items when I have called upon him…Annunciata:)
My personal favorite saint to ask to intercede for me is St. Raphael - the patron of travelers and good friendships. He has protected my husband while flying on business, once a door blew out on the cargo hold and the plane almost crashed yet the pilot who was scheduled to fly the plane was ill and was replaced by a pilot close to retirement (and tons of flying experience) at the last minute. He has protected my daughters while driving (one daughter had 3 hit and runs in 3 months - one with a semi) and was never injured. He has removed companions from my children’s lives that I didn’t feel right about and replaced them with good companions. In my book St. Raphael is great.
Travelling around Europe as a student, I found saint’s aid immeasurable. Quite often we would follow the directions we were given before we had left home, but get lost or have other problems trying to finding a particular pilgrimage site. We always prayed for the saint or Marian devotion to intercede for us, and would have some amazing results. Even when things didn’t work out perfectly, God had given us proper grace to take the trials we were left with with humility and humor at our situation. We wouldn’t have done so well without the intercessions!
I was browsing through a Catholic book-selling site one night and I was feeling very paranoid and fearful (I have a few issues with such), and the mouse got stuck as a book about Padre Pio came up on the screen. I read the summary, which included the fact that St Pio is the patron of those who suffer from irrational fears. I was like “ookay…”, said a quick prayer, and felt my fear lifted instantly 🙂
I was browsing through a Catholic book-selling site one night and I was feeling very paranoid and fearful (I have a few issues with such), and the mouse got stuck as a book about Padre Pio came up on the screen. I read the summary, which included the fact that St Pio is the patron of those who suffer from irrational fears. I was like “ookay…”, said a quick prayer, and felt my fear lifted instantly 🙂
How come I didn’t know that? Thanks for the info, …Padre Pio is another favorite…my late husband’s family come from San Giovanni Rotundo in Foggia Italy and we were all praying for the cause for his Beatification way back when…Annunciata:)
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