St. Anthony just helped me, has any saint ever helped you?

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I was browsing through a Catholic book-selling site one night and I was feeling very paranoid and fearful (I have a few issues with such), and the mouse got stuck as a book about Padre Pio came up on the screen. I read the summary, which included the fact that St Pio is the patron of those who suffer from irrational fears. I was like “ookay…”, said a quick prayer, and felt my fear lifted instantly 🙂
How come I didn’t know that? Thanks for the info, …Padre Pio is another favorite…my late husband’s family come from San Giovanni Rotundo in Foggia Italy and we were all praying for the causes for his Beatification and Canonization way back when…Annunciata:)
St. Anthony has helped me find soooo many things. And it seems he helps me to find them very quickly. I also like to pray to St. Rita, patron of impossible causes. St. Dymphna (not sure on the spelling) helps those with mental illnesses, and I have generalized anxiety, so I turn to her for help. I also pray to St. Gerard, patron of expectant mothers, asking his assistance so I may soon become pregnant. And St. Christopher is the patron of motorists, so I always pray to him when myself or family members travel. I just finished reading a book about Padre Pio and I am inspired to start praying to him also!!
What a great thread!! I pray to loads of saints, i figure they have an excellent chance of helping me!!😃 I pray to the saint I am named after, St Teresa of Avila, who always responds, I pray to St Isadore whenever I sign on, he is the patron saint of the internet, I pray to St Teresa of Liseux whenever I need to be listened to and no-one does,(St Teresa felt no-one listened to her and Jesus was her only friend) I pray to St Anthony when I loose things and his response is lightening!! I pray to St Francis to be humble ( he didn’t even liek to call his cell his own, one day a brother called it ‘his’ cell and St Francis so disliked this he left his cell and slept else where) and he has helped me no end and also when an animal is sick or hurt, his response is lightening there too. I pray to Mary to help me to be a better mother and for all children everywhere especially those who have been aborted and those who are sick (also the children of God …that’s us folks!! ) I pray to St Padre Pio when I need to discern something. I pray to my family who have died who were catholics, I have to believe they made it to heaven and I think they must have as when I ask them I always get help. Recently I have prayed to St Joan of Arc to be brave. God Bless you all xxxxxxxx
Dear vatico

I cried when I read your posting, how beautiful and as well how reassuring. Congratulations on your enduring and lovely marriage xx God Bless xx
St Anthony occasionally has helped me find things…but they are usually unimportant things anyways. Someone earlier mentioned a missing cat…a good friend of my parents’ lost her beloved cat last year and prayed a novena to St Francis. the cat came back after three nights. Another good saint to hit up for your feline-related needs is St Gertrude of Nevilles who is the patron saint of cats.

In January of 2002 I had just returned to school after a semester abroad in Rome. A relationship that I’d had alot of hope for had utterly collapsed, a group of close friends suddenly stopped talking to me, and life was very miserable. I was so lonely and despaired that I would ever find a man to love me - I feared I would be an old maid. I found a prayer to St Raphael on the internet, the one with the line “you who dwell beyond the region of thunder” and asked the archangel for his intercession. A few days later I randomly met a woman. I say randomly because it was truly a lucky coincidence that we ran into each other when we did. She eventually set me up on a blind date and I married that man on July 10 of this year!
I also pray to St. Gerard, patron of expectant mothers, asking his assistance so I may soon become pregnant.
Thanks for providing this info. I was wondering who I should be asking for help and prayers (I’m in the same boat that you are). 🙂
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton interceded for me (I believe!) and a prayer intention related to my marriage was answered. —KCT
Mine is a little less impressive than some of yours, but it’s very profound to me nonetheless.

For several years (long before the days of the internet) I researched my family tree. My inspiration has always been Our Lady of Fatima telling us to pray for the souls in Purgatory…and I thought it only right that I pray for my own family. But I needed to learn who they were.

Many of my ancestors came from France and Quebec during a particularly profound void in American recordkeeping…namely 1820-1850. But being the good historian that I am, I trudged through years of dusty records and tried (often in vain) to get my grandparents to share details. My grandfather’s paternal grandparents were particularly difficult because there were absolutely no records in the entire state of Michigan to tell me from whence they came. Without that, there’s no finding any additional generations.

I finally got the tiniest sliver of help in learning the Anglicized maiden name of my GGGgrandmother…but it was so twisted there was no way of figuring out what it ever could have been in French. A stroke of brilliance in the wee hours of the morning got me thinking and I emailed a colleague from the University of Vermont who was supervising a new research project into French-Canadian migration patterns. I sent him the info I had and the bizarre name…and the next morning he emailed back with 2 possibilities and told me I probably needed to look around Trois Rivieres. Well I tried…and tried…and researched for a couple of years more (still no mass genealogy material on the internet, only a few bulletin boards that were in their infancy…but I posted everywhere anyway).

Then one day, desperate to put this behind myself and move on (I do obsess over things that are difficult to solve), I started a novena to St. Jude. It had been 2 years of dealing with this void of information and I prayed for his help in finding Caroline’s parents and her home parish. On the 3rd day of my novena, I got called to the university late at night to help with a class. Afterwards I went in to my office and opened my email. There…totally out of the blue…was an email from a Quebecois woman who told me that she had come across one of my bulletin board posts from 18 months earlier. She had come across my dear Caroline’s baptismal record years earlier and filed it away…not important to her because it wasn’t her family, but she always wondered where this person might fit in.

Well, cutting to the quick…the lovely Caroline was indeed from the Trois Rivieres area. I was given a wonderful gift with her parents’ names, the name of the parish where they were married, and even their parents’ names. Oh yes, the name of their parish? St-Jude!
I had been looking for my first part-time job while in college and was having a difficult time. While attending daily Mass one day, I was informed that the saint of the day was St. Joseph (patron saint of workers). I only prayed to St. Joseph on that one day to help me find a job, and forgot about it afterward.

One week later I was at a friend’s house studying when her sister (who had interviewed me for one of the jobs) came home and said another position had opened, and it was mine if I still wanted it. I immediately remembered my prayers and have thanked him for helping me ever since.
I have received a lot of help from many saints.

Of course Saint Anthony finds things for me at least 3 to 4 times a day.
St. Jude and St. Rita for many impossible situations.
St. Monica and St. Augustine.
St. Pio many many miracles from him even as a child in the 60’s we had a medal of Padre Pio pinned to our uniforms.
St. Paul has always helped me in being zealous.
St. Sebastian, St.'s Michael, Gabriel and Raphael.
St. Ann, and St Therese so many roses. St. James
There are so many I could write pages. Of course I could never forget good St. Joseph who has watched over my husbands job for so many years now. Even though many people with more senority have been layed off for a year or more. God and St. Joseph have watched over his job.
Of course we have so many intercessors…
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