St Francis of Asissi......

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C.K. Chesterton attributed his conversion to Catholicism, partially to the inspirational life of Saint Francis, because he believed that only the Catholic Church could have produced such a man. I think one of the first things he did as a Catholic was to write a biography on Saint Francis, which is still published today and widely respected.

It’s more historically correct than the Little Flowers of Saint Francis by Raphael Brown, but Brown’s book is still interesting because it contains many stories that have been passed down and related to Saint Francis.

Bodo’s books about Saint Francis particularly, The Journey and The Dream, are more personal meditations on his life than helpful for any histrical details or quotes that can be verifed. His Tales of Siant Francis comes largely from the Brown’s Little Flowers of Saint Francis. I was disappointed with Bodo’s Journey and the Dream, because I thought it was less about the Saitn Francis than it was about how Saint Francis impressed the author poetically.

Regis Armstrong has compiled two books about the writings from Saint Francis; on on Saint Francis alone and one on Saint Francis and Saint Clare.

To Live as Francis Lived : A Guide for Secular Franciscans, by Lenonard Foley et al is a great introduction to Franciscan spirituality, and incorporates details about Saint Francis from his stories and his writings, with rules of the sceular order, into short daily meditations about approaches to life.
For those who can’t find this book in a second-hand shop, it’s still available from booksellers as a new book.

Crazy Internet Junkie Society
****Carrier of the Angelic Sparkles Sprinkle Bag
Thank you for that CarolAnn I didn’t know whether it would still be in print or not.

Thank you very much

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

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