St. Therese of Lisieux

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One of my very favorite saints and like a dear old friend. Her life inspires me when she speaks of the dry times in her life and how she perseveres because she knows that Our Lod loves her. We have that in common,she and I, so love her for being there to share that with me. I also love the fact that she said she wanted to spend her heaven doing good on earth…to me that just rocks! I mean, what good is life if we cannot do the work of the Lord in the lives of those who need Him? She and her family are an amazing example of becoming Holy by cooperating with the grace of God.

Ever pray a novena to her?
Pax vobiscum,
That’s interesting you mentioned praying a novena to her. I was just thinking in bed last night that I should, and so I’m going to start one today. :yup:

Since I just started learning about her, she has become one of my favorite saints. I checked out a bunch of books about her from the library (and the new DVD about her), got my little sister to lend me her St. Therese medal, and decided to make Therese my confirmation name. I love the way she lived. Lately I’ve been praying about my vocation, and while reading about her I think I might be called to be a religious (still considering, though).She’s so inspiring to me, partly because I have trouble being content with doing little things. I also find her love for God amazing, and something I want to imitate.
Hey, does anyone know if movie that was made about her recently is coming out on DVD? I thought it was already out, and so I requested it from the library. But I accidentally got an 1986 version that my family and I thought was horrible. I didn’t get to see the new one in theaters, and now I really hope it’s coming out soon.
Hey, does anyone know if movie that was made about her recently is coming out on DVD? I thought it was already out, and so I requested it from the library. But I accidentally got an 1986 version that my family and I thought was horrible. I didn’t get to see the new one in theaters, and now I really hope it’s coming out soon.
In my opinion, you’re going to be disappointed. It wasn’t very well done.
Well, it’s probably a lot better than the one I saw. Have you seen it? It was… weird. :hmmm:
St. Terese is the Patroness of our diocese. The first one in the U.S. to adopt her. I think that she has influenced the lives of many in our diocese. We have some very devoted and hard working clergy. We have many lay people that have stepped up to help in any way that they can. I’m sure she prays for her diocese.

Deacon Tony
St. Therese was a great influence in my conversion to the Catholic faith. For this reason, I chose her as my confirmation saint. Being a guy, I decided that I didn’t really want a girl’s name, so that isn’t my confirmation saint. I’m sure she understands though.
I think every movie about a Saint is going to disappoint. To really capture the spirite of a Saint you must pray and meditate.
How has she influenced your life?
I’m just a small, insignificant person who will never do great things. I LOVE St. Therese’s little way, that shows that even I can do important work for Jesus, just by doing my little chores with love! I’m a gramma who takes care of my small granddaughters, and how awesome it is to think that changing diapers, with love for Jesus, is somehow mysteriously furthering the Kingdom!
I love the Little Way. I say a chaplet to her daily with 24 Glory Be’s honoring her 24 years of life.

She has let me understand that my prayers and fasts, as insignificant as I think they are, are spiritual necessities to help others.

I took my 2 boys (8 and 11) to see the new movie. It was corney but made them reflect a bit about the little way - and that even as kids, their prayes can be mighty powerful.
Well, it’s probably a lot better than the one I saw. Have you seen it? It was… weird. :hmmm:
I almost made the same mistake you did. The new movie will not be palying in my state. I saw the old one on dvd, and though, wow! so soon and it’s an indpendent project???

Then I read closer and saw French and had second thoughts, because I believe the new one is in English.

Then I read the reviews and saw something abut a character eating bile from Therese as a form of mortification, which yes, I know was not an entirely uncommon practice, when people interpreted the way to practice the virtue of humilty, as encouraged by the gopsel, was to perform acts of humiliation (St. Margaret Mary’s autobiography is full of such incidents and very little on the revelations she recevied concerning devotion to the Sacred Ehart, and disturbed me).

Then I read a part of a review about it implying somehow lesbianism in the convent and how that enraged a viewer. I know that Therese’s writings in her autobiogrpahy expressed the need to separate one self from attachment to creatures (and mentioned particualry affinity she ahd for peopel with her in the convent), as does Therea of Avila’s work, but thought this meant to seek more ocmpany in God and less in earthly friendship. I also know that some people are quick to mistranslate close friendship with a member of the same sex as homosexuality (I went to a college that was all women and saw many people who did this for themselves as well; developed close friendships for the first time in their lives were sure it meant they were a lesbian and then they were the first to marry a man when they graduated). It is also common practice in many cultures to still hold hands and link arms with close friends of the same sex, when walking aroudn, and to kiss each other on the cheek as hello, (some claim coming from the kiss of peace practiced in early Christian communities as articulated in Paul’s biblical letters), and this is a French movie, so the concepts could have been blown out of proportion too.

As I have not seen the movie, I can not express an opinion of the movie as my own interpretation, but the reviews made me decide not to purchase the dvd.
I forget which section of her book where I read it, but these are her words which reveal the heart of a true saint:

“My consolation is to receive no consolation.”
Dear friend

I have had a statue of St Therese since I was a little girl. I love her.

Knowing that I will never do anything great for God, it is her who taught me that in the small things of life, we can do the great things for God. I love the ‘Little Way’ of St Therese and try to follow her in this.

St Therese must have such a beautiful heart that I really can only admire her and ask her to pray for all my intentions and for me.

God bless you and much love and peace to you

In my opinion, you’re going to be disappointed. It wasn’t very well done.
I saw the recent movie in the theater and was disapointed with the movie in terms of the technical aspect of film making and some of the acting. However, I was touched and uplifted. I plan to purchase the DVD if/when it comes out. Regarding the film, I also felt that the film expected the audience to know quite a bit about Therese. I did not.
I got the impression that she was in the Carmel for only a short time and died much more quickly than was actually the case. I was very surprised to find out that she was in the Carmel for 9 years.
The movie did prompt me to learn more and I am currently reading her autobiography, Story of a Soul. I am about half way through and it is having a large impact on me although it is too soon to realy understand what the impacts will be.
I plan to watch the movie again after I have read her book.
I have also heard something about a yellow file or something. Can anyone elaborate and is this part of hte Story of a Soul?

truth be told, she didn’t appeal to me at all at first. i read her autobiography and was like, ‘eh.’ but, strangely, i kept going back to it. i’ve read it about a dozen times by now. she’s done a lot for me. i couldn’t even begin to relate how much. i tend to be rather hard on myself, and following her little way has been helping me to accept my faults and weaknesses and even love them as i put greater confidence in God. it’s because of her that i am looking to join the Carmelites. i even picked her as my confirmation saint. 😉
We saw the movie last night and I sure hope it comes out on DVD.
That was a very touching movie and a great Lenten experience. Both my 5 year old and me were in tears watching the movie.


Saw the movie, was great. Sure hope it comes on DVD

Both me and 5 year old ds were in tears last night watching the movie
Went to see the movie today (a return engagement here in Scranton) and I was very moved by it.

I have also had an advantage of belonging to a parish that had a discussion group on her autobiography “A Story of a Soul”. It seemed in out parish that St Therese had a large following since many of the votive candles under her statuse always lit.

I have often prayed to her for her intersession on various pertitions and am starting to see the fruits of those petitions.

I am planning on buying the DVD when it comes out.

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