St. Therese of Lisieux

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She is very instrumental on my journey that I am be lead to right now. My son is discerning a vocation to the priesthood. I have been very concerned that he is so young. I read the book “Story of a Soul” and my fears have been relieved. She has showered me with roses many times in the last six months. I love her very much. She is whom I contribute to wanting my spiritual life to increase to its fullest.
I did see the new release of the movie. It was beautiful. It was done very simply. At first my reaction was it was a low budget film. After reflecting on the movie further. It was a simple movie, about a simple soul. IT was very touching the second time around. I am not sure what movie reviews some of read. But she did not eat bile from liver, nor was there any hint of gay issues in this movie. I am now reading her letters to the mission priest and have also read the story of her passion. Both excellent reads.
St Therese has done wonders in my life, too many to go into now…

It is because of her that I am discerning a Carmelite vocation now.
Lately I’ve loved St. Therese more than ever! Especially much more since I posted last. I received Story of a Soul from my soon to be sponsor (I was already reading parts of it) as a gift during a retreat I helped to put on. I was so excited! Since then I’ve been reading it at every spare moment. Then yesterday, I was praying about my vocation and also for more love. Remember when St. Therese discovered that her vocation was love? That thought popped into my head and I realized, my vocation really is love!!! I still don’t know if I’m going to be married or a religious or single or whatever. But I just started crying and laughing all at the same time, when God showed me this simple fact. I couldn’t believe that I didn’t see it before, but at the same time I was so amazed.

(Then I went off and emailed my sponsor to be and one of my best friends. I just couldn’t contain myself!)

So anyway, I just wanted to update you all on the way she is helping me again. I also want to say that that day I said I would start a novena, I didn’t. :nope: I wasn’t being very dedicated to God that day, and I regret it. But I am starting the novena now.
I did see the new release of the movie. It was beautiful. It was done very simply. At first my reaction was it was a low budget film. After reflecting on the movie further. It was a simple movie, about a simple soul. IT was very touching the second time around. I am not sure what movie reviews some of read. But she did not eat bile from liver, nor was there any hint of gay issues in this movie. I am now reading her letters to the mission priest and have also read the story of her passion. Both excellent reads.
Sorry if you misunderstood, we were talking about an old movie about St. Therese. I’ve heard the new one is great, though!
I was baptized at the Shrine of the Little Flower in Royal Oak Michigan, built in 1928 one of the first churches dedicated to her after her canonization, and grew up hearing a lot about her, which frankly grated on me, as I found her personality irritating (I also hated the movie Pollyanna that came out when I was a kid). After reading the writings of Teresa of Avila, “little Therese” seemed like a lightweight to me. Then I read a few years ago her letters to a missionary priest and to a seminarian, and learned why she is patron of missionaries. Also through a humbling experience with the child of a dear friend, I learned the thing about the roses is absolutely true. I still can’t get through Story of a Soul, but I also can’t read a lot of spiritual writing from her time and place in history, the tone is just not comfortable to 21st century urban, hard=edged America, but taking her in bits and pieces, by her actions, she has really won me over. DD the youngest is named for her.
After years & years of knowing who St. Therese was but not being drawn to her, I now find her to be a wonderful patron for those of us who live ordinary lives. She’s helped me to realize that everything I do, if I do it with love for God, is a blessing and a special act.
She is my Patron Saint. My birthday is October 1st, so what better Saint to claim as my own. 🙂

I have to relay an incident that happened last year in April. I had just claimed her as my Patron Saint a month or so before this happened and I had gone to the website devoted to her and sent for a chaplet. I was having some “stomach” problems (which I’ve had all my life) that seemed to be getting worse. By March (last year) I was hardly eating anything because of severe indigestion…ALL the time! My husband and I had been on the Atkins Diet for about 4 months and I didn’t lose any weight…I had gained about 8 pounds! Well, I woke up one night in March and had severe pains in my right quadrant and I knew immediately it was a gall bladder attack. It kept getting worse and worse and I woke my husband and we went to the emergency room. Yup, it was my gall bladder!! All that fat I was eating from the Atkins Diet finally “blew up” my gall bladder. No wonder I gained weight! I finally had it removed in April (after weeks of antibiotics for the inflamed gall bladder). Anyway, I had been saying the Chaplet prayer to Therese and reading her books almost every night for a month while this was going on and I felt so close to her. I can’t really describe it. I was just peaceful with the whole thing. The day I got home from the hospital, a neighbor came by to see how I was doing and if I needed anything and you know what she brought me…a bouquet of roses from her garden!!! I was speechless!! I knew my neighbor had “physically” brought them, but I KNEW they were from St. Therese!! What an awesome experience!

While I’m thinking of it, I think I’ll go visit with her now. It’s been a while.

My son made sacrifice beads at CCD class. He walks around with them moving his beads throughout the day. He even taught his sisters how to make it.👍

We were going through a very difficult time in the last city that we were living in.

I prayed the “Rose Novena” to St Therese and I asked her whether it was God’s will that we moved to the city that we are living here now, and asked her for my husband to give me a red rose. It happened…and I took that to mean it was God’s will for us to move, and then within about one month and a half, we had moved. Our house sold in two days and we got the amount for it that I had prayed for. It all seemed so sudden, but perfectly worked out for the best.

I really love St Therese and she is an inspiration to me.
I have without doubt been influenced by her ! I haven’t seen the movie but my wife has a couple of times, I find the music to be beautiful. I was on a retreat and read Story of a Soul and have been very inspired by her ever since.

I’ve adopted her as the big sister I never had, and pray to her each day, - ‘help me to stay little and hidden, and offer those little things that I find tough up to God.’ She’s definetly been a great influence.
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