I was baptized at the Shrine of the Little Flower in Royal Oak Michigan, built in 1928 one of the first churches dedicated to her after her canonization, and grew up hearing a lot about her, which frankly grated on me, as I found her personality irritating (I also hated the movie Pollyanna that came out when I was a kid). After reading the writings of Teresa of Avila, “little Therese” seemed like a lightweight to me. Then I read a few years ago her letters to a missionary priest and to a seminarian, and learned why she is patron of missionaries. Also through a humbling experience with the child of a dear friend, I learned the thing about the roses is absolutely true. I still can’t get through Story of a Soul, but I also can’t read a lot of spiritual writing from her time and place in history, the tone is just not comfortable to 21st century urban, hard=edged America, but taking her in bits and pieces, by her actions, she has really won me over. DD the youngest is named for her.