
If a person dies in original sin only, and has never committed an actual sin themselves, they will immediately descend into hell. Do you believe that?

You seem fairly knowledgeable, but you are off base on some doctrinal issues.No, and neither does the Catholic Church. This is the key distinction between Catholic theology and all Protestant theologies from which virtually every other disagreement stems. If Protestants had the Catholic understanding of original sin, they would be much closer to Catholic theology in virtually every area.
You may not know this, but it is de fide Catholic dogma that souls who depart this life in original sin only do indeed descend into hell. That is Catholic dogma. Here are the quotes:
Council of Lyons II: “…The souls of those who die in mortal sin or with original sin only, however, immediately descend to hell, to be punished with different punishments…-- (Denzinger 464)
Pope John XXII: “It (The Roman Church) teaches… that the souls… of those who die in mortal sin, or with only original sin descend immediately into hell; however, to be punished with different penalties and in different places.” (Denzinger 493(a).
Council of Florence: “…Moreover, the souls of those who depart in actual mortal sin or in original sin only, descend immediately into hell but to undergo punishments of different kinds.— (Denzinger 693)
That is the infallible teaching of the Church as revealed by God. You will now need to adjust your theology so that it is in agreement with that teaching.