Star Trek fans - What is your Favorite original Star Trek episode?

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It is a tough decision for me.
What really brought the series together for me was the Spock, McCoy, Kirk interaction.

You didn’t really get the whole dynamic in one single episode.
This is a great point that’s spot on. I think this is why I still like episodes that suffer from problems with plot, development, etc. – many times there are great moments between the three of them that salvage the episode for me.
My go-to Star Trek TOS episode is The Doomsday Machine. It’s eminently re-watchable, thrilling to the end, and bolstered by William Windom’s excellent performance as Commander Matt Decker.

If you haven’t seen it in a while, do yourself a favor and give it a re-watch today!
Have the day off and decided to treat myself.
Guess what I’m watching?

😀 🖖
Maybe you’ll have better luck persuading Cmdr Decker to not do it than Captain Kirk and the rest of us did.
Another very good one. Is that the one where the Romulans utilize their cloaking device to try to escape the Enterprise after they had attacked some Federation outposts?

I think their captain is the same actor who also plays Spock’s father in another episode, if I recall correctly.
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For me, it would have to be the episode featuring Joan Collins called “The City on the Edge of Forever.” I think it is the best-written episode and the least corny, not that I don’t appreciate some of the cornier episodes as well.

Another great episode (I don’t recall the title) involves two of the crew who develop supernatural powers and one of them thinks he is a god. Anyone recall that one?
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I found that episode interesting (Who Mourns for Adonais) and later as an adult worked briefly for Leslie Parrish and her then husband (writer Richard Bach). I found out that she played the woman in that episode who fell in love with Apollo.
Another great episode (I don’t recall the title) involves two of the crew who develop supernatural powers and one of them thinks he is a god. Anyone recall that one?
Hi Meltzerboy2, it’s possible you might be referring to episode, ‘Where No Man Has Gone Before’, which was S1 Ep3. At least that sounds kind of like it to me, although I could be wrong. The episode I’m thinking about starred Gary Lockwood and Sally Kellerman.

I agree that the episode with Joan Collins was definitely one of the most well-written and thoughtful episodes of the series. It was refreshing to see Joan Collins in that light.

By the way, “Where No Man Has Gone Before” is amusingly how some buddies and I referred to a certain good looking girl at our college who turned all of us down for dates. Looking back, I really don’t blame her as we weren’t the most mature group of guys back then and she obviously had discerning taste. 😀
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Yes, that’s the one; I recognize the names of the actors. Thank you.
I think their captain is the same actor who also plays Spock’s father in another episode, if I recall correctly.
Mark Lenard. He also played the Klingon captain in the opening scenes of Star Trek: The Motion Picture. This gave him the distinction of being the first Star Trek actor to play a Romulan, a Vulcan, and a Klingon.
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