Star Wars Vs. LOTR

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Star wars great and all, but LOTR was awesome. I think they are easily the most awe inspiring movies I’ve ever seen on the big screen.
wait! where’s harry potter in all of this?!!!

just kidding, I’m not really a fan of LOTR or star wars…though i think I would vote LOTR, but Harry, man, i just love that guy:)
LOTR most deffinately because of Eowin!!! Yeah she’s amazing gifted in her looks!..and Aragorn could kick Darth Vader’s little hiney any day no problem!


don’t bring Harry into this!!!:nope:
To me Star Wars was merely entertaining. I liked the originals (loved The Empire Strikes Back) but Episodes I-III were disappointing: The Jar-Jar character ruins the first one; the Anakin/Padme adolescent romance killed the second, and Hadyns acting job as Anakin in Ep. III was painful to watch.

LOTR, on the other hand, was an awesome event. My family saw each episode multiple times in the theater (something we NEVER do). The dialogue, storyline, acting, costumes, battle scenes, character development over the course of the trilogy was epic, and I truly, truly, hated for it to end.
I’m sorry at add to this without seeing all the LOTR trilogy, but from what I scene LOTR is a much better story. Which that is why I’d go with Star Wars. With corney characters, dialouge and plot, its easy enough for the kiddies to latch onto and watch over and over. Which of course may be obnoxious to adults, but it gives them something to try to learn and use their imagination off of. (It could be my bias too for Star Wars, I still don’t know how my parents put up with us kids repeat playing Star Wars over and over again.) Plus I think bad soap opera like movies do very well to give some light on the values of the time.

As for Episodes I and II, disappointing, for me sure. But what could I expect, bicycle gangs might have been exciting when I was a kid, but if my friends and I where to go out and bought a bunch of BMX bikes it wouldn’t be the same either. My biggest disappointment was that Episode III seemed a little to violent to let a child watch.

But what can I say other than lets hear it for long epic triologies.
The script of Star Wars was so goofy. (Just saw episode 3 last night)
And the acting was substandard.

LOTR on the other hand was amazing.

Aldo, LOTR actually made me think about good vs. evil in a larger-more profound way. Star Wars is merely entertinment.
LOTR, on the other hand, was an awesome event. My family saw each episode multiple times in the theater (something we NEVER do). The dialogue, storyline, acting, costumes, battle scenes, character development over the course of the trilogy was epic, and I truly, truly, hated for it to end.
Have you seen the extended versions? They add so much without ruining anything. If you haven’t seen them you’ve got to!
I’m sorry at add to this without seeing all the LOTR trilogy, but from what I scene LOTR is a much better story.
You haven’t seen the whole thing? What are you waiting for? You will LOVE Return of the King. Go out and rent it ASAP!
Just based on the stories and not on the movies. I like LOTR better. Thats just because I like that type of sci-fi better then the futuristic sci-fi. They are both great stories though.
Although i grew up with Star Wars, i never took much of a liking to it. I tried so many times, but it is simply not captivating enough or deep enough in the charaters as well as the character growth. So i have seen so many beginning parts of SW (ORIGINAL 3) and could not sit through it. It was not even slightly entertaining.

So it is obvious that LOTR wins for me…hands down. These characters did not simply have a struggle or a battle on hand…they had inner struggle. They fought daily just like we do. It had so much that could be related to our everyday lives and struggles. We watched them struggle, become so full of Wisdom by (name removed by moderator)limenting properly the information that they gathered from many others. There was a lot of loss, a lot of distruction, but the thought that a simple and pure of heart nobody could have this chosen strength is uplifting.

It humbles us enough to make us want to reach further in our own lives. Gandolf was a good leader as well…he could guide, and help, but he could not do it for them!

LOTR Rocks!

As Legolus took down the huge elephant thingy full of men, Gimly, his new found friend by counting how many each took down in friendly compitition…he had found humor in such danger saying in awe, " It only counts as one!"

Ya gotta love that sceen!
I dunno, it’s kind of a tie, but since Tolkien was Catholic it has to be LOTR.
Star Wars is very Catholic. I stand up and shake everyones hand in the theater when the Jedi’s say, “may the force be with you and also with you.” Very Catholic. The force is the Holy Spirit and the Emperor is a false prophet. Jedi’s defenders of the Faith and the Sith spawns of satan. BTW, I liked both Star Wars and LOTR.
I tend to play the more fantasy-like dork, then the Sci-fi dork.

I tend to play the more fantasy-like dork, then the Sci-fi dork.

Both dorks are cool:nerd: … But I agree that LOTR wins!
Tolkien was very careful to write LOTR because he wanted a mythology that reflects the Catholic world view and theology. If the mythology of LOTR is familiar to us catholics-it’s because LOTR is Catholic (per the author himself). If you feel like reading something fun that helps put MYTH in perspective-read GK Chesterton’s Orthodoxy, the chapter entitled THE ETHICS OF ELFLAND.

Star Wars-entertaining eat all you can buffet of philosophies like The Matrix.

Sorry, to all you LOTR fans, but I gotta say Star Wars. It had a great story line, especially Episdoe V and VI. I mean, I’m a huge LOTR fan too, but I love Star Wars too much to vote against it. But have any of you noticed how the best ones were the ones that *weren’t *directed by George Lucas? And Star Wars had Wookiees, Ewoks, Mace Windu, Yoda, awesome lightsaber choreography, and the best computer graphics you will ever see. Star Wars rules! Huzzah!
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