Star wars great and all, but LOTR was awesome. I think they are easily the most awe inspiring movies I’ve ever seen on the big screen.
Have you seen the extended versions? They add so much without ruining anything. If you haven’t seen them you’ve got to!LOTR, on the other hand, was an awesome event. My family saw each episode multiple times in the theater (something we NEVER do). The dialogue, storyline, acting, costumes, battle scenes, character development over the course of the trilogy was epic, and I truly, truly, hated for it to end.
You haven’t seen the whole thing? What are you waiting for? You will LOVE Return of the King. Go out and rent it ASAP!I’m sorry at add to this without seeing all the LOTR trilogy, but from what I scene LOTR is a much better story.
Both dorks are cool:nerd: … But I agree that LOTR wins!I tend to play the more fantasy-like dork, then the Sci-fi dork.