Starbucks: not necessarily their opinion!

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Dunkin’ Donuts still has coffee that tastes great, and they now make fru-fru drinks for those of you who don’t think 2 hits of cream is fancy enough.
hmm…I don’t think there is even a dunkin donuts around here. The donuts sound good, though!
“The way I see it… coffee used to cost 10 cents a cup. Now Starbucks comes along and steams some whole milk, adds a shot or two of espresso, a squirt of liquid sugar and the cost rockets to $4.25. The way i see it, I can buy good quality coffee at my local supermarket for $6 a pound on sale, grind it fresh, use my espresso maker to steam 30 cents worth of half and half and have the same drink in the coziness of my home in the same amount of time it would take me to get the car warmed up, and I use the leftover steamed milk with some hazelnut creamer to make my wife a ‘venti hazelnut steamer’ and save about $6 on the night. The way i see it, if any of you post your favorite starbucks drink, i’ll post the recipie on how to make it, since really goods friends of mine work there - and i can tell you how to make just about anything… (tonight, i used pumpkin spice to make my dear wife a venti skim milk pumpkin spice steamer with whipped cream - for about 50 cents in ingredients…and when she wanted a second one… i didn’t have to climb into the car and trudge to starbucks…)”
-the chris myster
What actually started this thread is another one about boycotting Starbucks because of what was written on one of their cups. The quote on the cup was about homosexuals.
If you go to you can click on the “The way I see it” link and it will tell you that the quotes are not necessarily the beliefs of Starbucks, which was the impression I got from some other people.
Well, how is that for corporate America taking responsibility for their promulgation of an immoral lifestyle and anti-Gospel message? Perhaps you would feel different if they talked about the dignity and courage of a single college student choosing to have an abortion? …Or about the choice of an elderly Catholic who has reached a felt point of deficit quality of life to euthanize themself? …Or …
I love my Starbucks coffee!! 😃
Here’s to you – enjoy your proud and boisterous support for Starbucks company!!
thechrismyster said:
"The way i see it, if any of you post your favorite starbucks drink, i’ll post the recipie on how to make it, since really goods friends of mine work there - and i can tell you how to make just about anything…

Hot dog! I’ll be PMing you later to get some recipes. My fiance is always whining to get overpriced coffee drinks, and I never have been able to make one that tasted quite right, though I am getting close…
You found my cup!!! 😃
Yes, no “urban myth” here. Starbucks is actually printing, distributing, promoting and profiting off this immoral, anti-Gospel massage and utilizing [apparantly] droves of Catholics and other denomination Christians who take their next salutary slug of Starbucks to spread the message. Keep it up all you good Catholic Starbuck fans!! :hmmm:
Please note: The opinions put forth by contributors to “The Way ISee It” do not necessarily reflect the views of Starbucks.

Hi all, I found this on the Starbucks website - in regards to those who feel that Starbucks supports gay people.
This goes along with the other thread about boycotting Starbucks.
You can go to the Starbucks website & look under the “The Way I See it” link - if you are not too offended to go to their website.
Thanks 😃
The way I see it… Starbucks is full of it if they think we are stupid enough to believe that one single thing goes on their cups that a group of Starbucks corporate people have not approved. Quotes don’t get on there by accident. They have an agenda, and they have a specific philosophy they are trying to promote.
Those who have seen my comments on some of the other threads that relate to homosexuality know that I’m one who believes that homosexuality is chosen and that prayer, determination of God-given will, and living a sacramental life is the key to overcoming these desires. While I concur it is a disorder, I believe it is one that is developed via entertaining of impure thoughts, an accumulation of unfortunate life experiences (for the lack of a better description) like unhealthy personal relationships with loved ones, and a general lack of poor formation of conscience. I do not attribute that this disorder is inherent such that one who acts on homosexual desires is in any way not culpable for the acts as those who assert that SSA is a pervasive sexual orientation that is an inherent and thus unchangeable characteristic at their core (it seems contrary to the principle that God made us “very good” and in His Image). I consider homosexuality a different manifestation of the same problems that lead to promiscous heterosexual behavior.

And for this reason, I consider Starbuck’s promotion via the cup as a feeding a mentality of relativism and toleration of all immorality.

But now Starbucks has offended me even more. For them to assert that what they put on their cups “is not there opinion” is cowardly. They are the ones who get to pick what is on the cup, even if they put something conservative or traditional on a cup they get to decide how many of these cups are printed verses the liberal/hedonistic **** on this cup.

I think we should test their “openness” and then make them sign an affidavit that they printed as many cups that say one of the following as they did that overt endorsement of a homosexual lifestyle.

I suggest that they put on their cup the following from Romans:

Therefore, God handed them over to degrading passions. Their females exchanged natural relations for unnatural, and the males likewise gave up natural relations with females and burned with lust for one another. Males did shameful things with males and thus received in their own persons the due penalty for their perversity.

Or this from 1Corinthians:

Do you not know that the unjust will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators nor idolaters nor adulterers nor boy prostitutes nor sodomites nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor robbers will inherit the kingdom of God.

Or this from 1 Timothy

We know that the law is good, provided that one uses it as law,
with the understanding that law is meant not for a righteous person but for the lawless and unruly, the godless and sinful, the unholy and profane, those who kill their fathers or mothers, murderers, the unchaste, practicing homosexuals, kidnapers, liars, perjurers, and whatever else is opposed to sound teaching,
according to the glorious gospel of the blessed God, with which I have been entrusted.
Yes, no “urban myth” here. Starbucks is actually printing, distributing, promoting and profiting off this immoral, anti-Gospel message and utilizing [apparantly] droves of Catholics and other denomination Christians who take their next salutary slug of Starbucks to spread the message. Keep it up all you good Catholic Starbuck fans!! :hmmm:
Here’s to you – enjoy your proud and boisterous support for Starbucks company!!

get over yourself.
The way I see it… Starbucks is full of it if they think we are stupid enough to believe that one single thing goes on their cups that a group of Starbucks corporate people have not approved. Quotes don’t get on there by accident. They have an agenda, and they have a specific philosophy they are trying to promote.

Is it time to start another “letter-writing” campaign to Starbuck similar to that of American Girl?..count me in!
Wow, I drink Starbucks from time to time and I HAVE NEVER READ the CUP! I always have that little cardboard sleeve over the cup so I won’t burn my hand!
I think letter writing, emailing, and calling is indispensable when objecting to a corporate practice. How are they gonna know otherwise. The same goes for the American Girl thing. We have to let them know we are offended and what we intend to do about it.
i emailed starbucks months ago about this… i got a form letter back that basically said yawn - whatever

let me restate: Starbucks isn’t about good coffee… it’s about smart MARKETING. they make you think that you need them to get their product.
Would you go to a $100 a plate steakhouse if McDonalds had the SAME THING on their dollar menu?
So why would you buy a drink from starbucks that costs $5 when you could make the same thing at home, with 50¢ worth of ingredients in 5 minutes or less.
buy your own espresso machine, they’re less that $100 and you make the same drinks for pennies. steam your own milk, make your own drinks… it is SOOOOOO simple to do. and paying $3 for a cup of tea, that is INSANITY. you can buy the same brands they have at Whole Foods or any health foor store for 30 to 50 bags for the same price. think about that, if you buy hot green tea from starbucks you are paying 1000% markup.
I have saved hundreds, perhaps THOUSANDS of dollars in the past few years by doing this. the drinks are better too, because refills are free!

People don’t BUY starbucks. They buy into the starbucks theme. they buy the wood furnishings, the soft jazz… they in essence buy the lie that somehow starbucks is anything more that somewhat over roasted coffee beans with hot water poured over them. thats all it is, everything else is window dressing.
Americans have been sold a bill of goods with out analyzing the actual product.
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