Stars Wars

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Well, since the Star Wars Trilogy is coming out today on DVD, I thought I’d take a poll and see what everyone’s favorite ORIGINAL STAR WARS film is and why.

Although it’s hard for me to say definately, I think my favorite is the original Star Wars. I just love the story-line and that bar seen with all the aliens is such a classic! I love all the original Star Wars films, but that’s my favorite (I think). We had a ton of the action figures and I had a Millenium Falcon, The Death Star, an X-Wing fighter, and the Ewok Village. As kids, my brothers and I used to play with that stuff all the time.
Scout :tiphat:

PS-I can’t stand the new Star Wars films. Well, I should clarify that. My husband and I went to see the first one, and walked out on it because it was soooo bad. We haven’t even wanted to see the other one-and we are both huge fans of the original series.
I voted Empire Strikes Back…

I guess I like the darkness of the story and the struggles of all the characters.

I’m a definite fan of all the original movies, and have seen the other movies too. I agree they aren’t as good- and when I discuss it with friends and family, we just end up agreeing that there were too many imaginations involved in the second movies. Too many cooks spoil the stew- it becomes sensory overload.

We also have decided that- what we call “old school” special effects were almost cooler or more appropriate, and would have been a much better meld with the new and original movies.
I said “The Empire Strikes Back” because, as good as the first movie was, it was somewhat tentative in it’s character development but it was just a good action yarn. ESB, however, had a much darker feel, and the characters were more believable, the special effects were better (especially the space battles), and the cliffhanger ending was great. Return of The Jedi, however, was disappointing for me. A victim of its own commercial success, it seemed too cartoonish and a lot of things were played for laughs. The cutsie Ewoks just ruined it for me.

The new episodes would be OK except, again, the first one was ruined by the cartoon-like comic relief of Jar Jar, and the second one was teeny-bopper over emphasis on the relationship between Anikin and Amadala. I hope the next one doesn’t have such self-absorbed characterizations. But that’s just me. 🙂
I voted for the first, although ESB is a very close second. I thought Lucas jumped the shark a bit by the third – especially making Leah (sp?) be Luke’s sister, and having the Muppets take on the storm troopers…
PS-I can’t stand the new Star Wars films. Well, I should clarify that. My husband and I went to see the first one, and walked out on it because it was soooo bad. We haven’t even wanted to see the other one-and we are both huge fans of the original series.
My wife is the same way. I think she hated Jar-Jar more than anything though.

Personally, I don’t like the first ones as much, but I can’t say I dislike them. The second movie of the pre-quil had a really cool Yoda fight scene, but maybe I’m just easily entertained!

The problem that I have with the Prequeal movies is that they are technically more advanced. For example R2D2 can fly. Doesn’t technology usually advance in the future not the past?
I read somewhere that the “going backwards” was due to the Emperor being in power and keeping the free peoples from using the technologies of the “past” and advancing. He wanted the people to be defenseless, and without resources. (Hence the trade blockades et. al.)
The only thing that could have improved *VI: Return of the Jedi * would have been if it had ended immediately after defeating Jabba the Hutt. 😃

Rescuing Han Solo – Good. :yup:
Land of the midget wookies – Bad :nope:
The second movie of the pre-quil had a really cool Yoda fight scene, but maybe I’m just easily entertained!
I know soooooo many people who love that scene. Now, I **know ** Yoda was all CG in that movie, but to me that fight scene **looked like ** someone was spinning a muppet on a stick. 😛

De gustibus non est disputandum,
I like Episode 4, at least in particular, for the fact that it has so many bloopers in it, it’s really cheap, and if the movie was a total flop it still would’ve made sense on its own.
I also am almost totally against computer generated characters. It just seems fake, no matter how good they get it to look. I’m still a fan of the use of muppets rather than adding computer characters in later. If the Yoda fight scene Episode had been with a muppet, this is a conjecture, It would have been awesome. But especially when actors are replaced with CG characters for a certain stunt, that just ruins it for me.
Down with Computers, Up with Muppets.
Also, Han shot Greedo first!
I’m kinda partial to Episode 4. Watched it last night it all it’s new and improved glory–quite nice! The colors are simply amazing.

I really don’t mind JarJar. I find him a ton more tolerable than Threepio.

The only way I have been able to be happy with the whole Ewok concept is the fact that they pretty much became extinct after Jedi. The remnants of the Death Star falling destroyed most of the Ewoks as well as their habitat. Not many remained in the galaxy afterwards (except Lieutenant Kettsch, and he’s a different story).
The original, hands down. I remember seeing it in the theater as a kid and entertaining the notion becoming an astronaut. Years later, the movie is still fun science-fantasy, campy in a good way. And I actually did get the list for astronaut training but have never been called. My fingers are crossed.

The acting and dialogue in the prequels is so…stilted. Never understood that because the cast is more or less experienced. Must be the director… :whistle:
I wish I had seen the original in the theatres. My husband did, but he was only four and doesn’t remember much about it. I saw “Return of the Jedi” in the theatre, and cried when Vader died. It was the first Star Wars film I had seen and I was only six or seven.

When I was a kid, I thought the Ewoks were adorable. I just watched it again the other night, and realized they were a bit annoying. Even though I like Return of the Jedi, I can’t stand Carrie Fisher in it. Probably because all the drugs she was taking at the time started affecting her acting. I thought she seemed irritable and anxious all the time. I wanted to slap her. And you can tell the other actors didn’t think too much of her at the time, either. Like that scene at the Ewok village after Luke leaves to confront Vader, and Solo gets short with her, and she says “hold me”. Just look at how he holds her-he’s just gently patting her with his thumb and looking like he’d rather be anywhere but where he is.

I just love the first one, but I have to admit that the second one comes in a real close second.

Scout :tiphat:
I think that the eariler ones have similiar stilted-ness and flatness in the characters as the prequels. I think that we (general we, I’m not pointing fingers at anyone) are more likely to overlook any flaws in the original trilogy because we hold it so fondly. I love them dearly and am a huge Star Wars geek, but even the original trilogy are very cheesy and campy. I think we just see the prequels with “adult” eyes when we see them for the first time, and not the “child” eyes that we saw the originals with.

I’m also one of the few people that don’t mind what Lucas has done to them. Adding scenes, adding cgi, changing the actors, fixing language errors–I’m fine with all of that. It’s his vision, and I’m glad he let us share in it at all. Just because it had been released in one way at one point doesn’t mean all subsequent releases have to be the exact same. We finally have the technology for Lucas to do the movies the way he wanted to do them in the first place.

(That being said, I still think Han should have shot first.) 😃
Empire, hands down. The story arc, character development, locations and special effects were the best of any Star Wars movie made (prequels included!).

I do some work in CG, and the funny thing is, because of that CG effects look more fake to me. If you compare the asteroid-field sequence in Empire to the one in Attack of the Clones, the new one looks like special effects. The old one looks like what you would expect real starships to look like. And Cloud City just totally blew away anything else they’ve done.

And yes, Han should have shot first.
I loved Cloud City, too. It was beautiful. I love the fact that Lucas used so many different types of environments in the movies, and they all seem to contrast well with each other. Like on Empire, first there’s coldness of Hoth, followed by the swamp, followed by the beauty and grace of Cloud City. Lucas does a very good job on locations.

I watched Empire again the other day, and forgot how scary that scene between Luke and Vader is. I actually got a bit nervous, even though I knew how it would end-I’ve seen the movies a hundred times.

I’m not buying the new releases, though. I don’t like all the added scenes. Just give me the originals and I’ll be happy. I know this may be what Lucas wanted, but it’s just not the same. For me, it’s like trying to colorize a black and white film-it just seems like some sort of cinematic crime of some sort.

Yes, Han should have shot first.

Scout :tiphat:

Oh, and I also agree that the new computer-animated effects look fake. I liked it better when they had to work at it-it seems like they put more effort into it when they had to use models and such, rather than just having a computer do all the work for them.

Scout :tiphat:
I’m not buying the new releases, though. I don’t like all the added scenes. Just give me the originals and I’ll be happy. I know this may be what Lucas wanted, but it’s just not the same. For me, it’s like trying to colorize a black and white film-it just seems like some sort of cinematic crime of some sort.
I’m with you. I haven’t seen the new releases, other than the trailers on TV, and I don’t think I want to see them. The added scenes, the added dialogue, the computer-generated effects…to me, they change and take away from what I liked about the movies when i first saw them as a kid.
Not related to the topic of this particular poll, but:

How is it that this thread (at this point) has been viewed 247 times, but only 51 people have bothered to take the poll? I see similar ratios in other polls. What is so hard or onerous about voting in a poll, basically just checking a box? If a peson is not interested in this topic, why even view it? :confused:
Maybe people just want to see what others have said about the topic. I’m not sure, either.

Maybe they have no opinion.

Or in some of the more heated polls, the reason may be because your choice is viewable by everyone. It is not a secret poll. If you choose Empire Strikes Back… everyone can see that you did.

I know I choose not to vote in some topics because of both reasons. I really have no opinion, but there is value in reading other’s opinions on the topic.
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