State of The Union

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I am so very sad. I tried to talk to 3 of my liberal (democratic) friends tonight regarding the SOTU address. Not one was watching. When I asked why, many said “I don’t want to raise my blood pressure, but I’ll catch the sound bites on CNN” AAArrrgggghhh. Peacemonger…where are you??? Personally, I really respect and admire GWB. I may not agree with all his ideas, but I think his heart is in the right place. Why, oh why, did these folks follow the election sooooo closely, but they disregard the SOTU address in favour of the news media sound bites they may get? I am sooo frustrated right now. How can we have a dialogue when half the populous refuses to hear the words from the horse’s mouth?
PS: Sorry for sounding so frustrated…but I am
I wouldn’t worry about it. Some people don’t want to watch a homerun when it is for the perceived opposition. But, even your friends get to benefit if they are on the same team (USA). So, everyone wins.

God bless America.
I am so very sad. I tried to talk to 3 of my liberal (democratic) friends tonight regarding the SOTU address. Not one was watching. When I asked why, many said “I don’t want to raise my blood pressure, but I’ll catch the sound bites on CNN” AAArrrgggghhh. Peacemonger…where are you??? Personally, I really respect and admire GWB. I may not agree with all his ideas, but I think his heart is in the right place. Why, oh why, did these folks follow the election sooooo closely, but they disregard the SOTU address in favour of the news media sound bites they may get? I am sooo frustrated right now. How can we have a dialogue when half the populous refuses to hear the words from the horse’s mouth?
PS: Sorry for sounding so frustrated…but I am
Let them wallow…

GW is too strong in character to let the far left distract his goals and his agenda.
I watched, and now I am waiting for the budget to be presented. There has been talk of elemenating 150 agenceies, and reforming others. I’m just waiting to see how far their going to try to cut the Dept. of Veterans Affairs this time! All the grand talk about taking care of our returning wounded GI’s, once they’ve left the military is when the life long battle with the VA begins. I’ve been engaged in this on going battle since 1984, my husband since 1975, and it never get any easier to get the services you need at the VA. This agency has been severely under funded for decades, and it has now come to the point that they are turning some veterans away, and others have to wait months just to see a doctor, or get needed medical equipment. The state of the union can be directly linked to how a nation treats their wounded warriors after they come home from the war!

Linda H.
Huh?? the SOTU was on last night??? :rolleyes:

At the same time as American Idol?? What was I to do?? :rolleyes:
A president speaking to the nation about a cultre of life is something everyone should applaud.
Michael C:
You need a Tivo my friend.
Aw, just teasing!..listened to it on the radio on the way home from work…I saw somewhere that AI actually got better ratings than the networks covering the SOTU…
Aw, just teasing!..listened to it on the radio on the way home from work…I saw somewhere that AI actually got better ratings than the networks covering the SOTU…
Maybe Simon should run for president? He tells it like it is.
I didn’t leave work until 10:40p, but I really wanted to hear about SSI reform. Other than that, I really didn’t care to hear what he had to say.
Michael C:
Maybe Simon should run for president? He tells it like it is.
Seeing how he’s a Brit, he would have felt right at home last night with rude calls and audible snickers from the peanut gallery so common in the British Parliment!!
Is it true that Simon Cowel is really Norwich 😃 ?
I have to check and see if he ever accused GWB of not being able to dance or sing. You may have blown his cover.
I thought he did quite well! A lot better than before! Hope it all works out!

As Fitz says, time and history will tell!
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