Statue you'd tear down

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Tearing down statues is an exciting and profitable venture in these troubled times. Perhaps you’ve been dismayed by the calibre of those already vandalized and removed by angry mobs. Well, now’s your chance to have a voice! Which statue would you most enjoy if it were no more?

I have long wanted to tear down this sculpture, Transparent Horizons, and almost anything else by Louise Nevelson.

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I would never enter the battle in this manner, but i secretly would like to ruin the display of Margaret Sanger’s bust in The National Gallery;

“Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger advocated racist eugenic measures and did not shy from addressing a KKK rally. Yet she’s honored by a bust in the National Portrait Gallery’s civil rights exhibit, of all places.”

You have to ask yourself, what establishment is killing the most blacks? Planned Parenthood.
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The UK equivalent of Sanger; Marie Stopes sent love letters to Adolf Hitler, endorsed eugenics and even disowned her own son because he married a woman who wore glasses. None of this is mentioned, she is known as the pioneer of the birth control movement and a “feminist hero”
I wouldn’t tear it down, but I think it’s really ugly.

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While there may be statues or sculptures I don’t like, I wouldn’t deface or tear down any public or private property. Nor graffiti it. We can all have our personal tastes, but we must be respectful of legitimate authority, and go through the proper channels if we want something removed.

I’ve seen some pretty awful sculptures in various places that were sanctioned by city officials, and the artists who were commissioned to do them got paid a pretty penny for what is basically junk. And that irritates me a little. Really good artists have a hard time selling their works or even getting them displayed, and people who make nonsense get rich.
people who make nonsense get rich
Yeah. I think a lot of the work that sells at the New York art auctions for ridiculous amounts of money are a shameful mockery of culture, an elitist game of the Emperor’s New Clothes, and a symbol of the fruitless awards of a Wall Street rat race. I wouldn’t be surprised if freemasonry had a hand in the nonsense, too, but no one cares.

I guess Im a little jaded. Lol
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Feel free to give me any US currency with Lincoln’s image on it, paper preferred.
Hey, this is a no-holds-barred idoloclastic thread. Just because I mentioned “statues” in the OP doesn’t mean I’ll limit you to 3D sculptures. We can also destroy paintings, paper engravings, GIFs, MP3s, whatever!
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What’s that got to do with a statue?
Sorry, I took your remark, “Anything Abraham Lincoln,” to mean anything, not just statues.

In the public library of my town, there is a painting of President Lincoln, along with some paintings on the theme of the abolition of slavery. These give me occasion to reflect on our history. I hope no one tears them down.
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This is a publicly funded art project being proposed for development in downtown Sydney. People have variously called it “the space noodle” or “the tapeworm”. Thanks be to God, the project has been delayed. Further contrite prayer is required before God destroys the project’s viability completely.
Who likes artichokes? In Castroville, California, the Artichoke Capital of the World, there is a giant artichoke statue. Let’s boil it and eat it!

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