agree with the whole post! There are a lot of online class choices out there. I loved my online courses, and some I could complete far before the course ended. Very convenient to do while raising a family. Even getting just a general type of associate’s degree will be of use if you ever need it, such as if something happens to your husband. The jobs that one can obtain without a college degree shrink every year. Also, concerning social work positions, many of them require masters degrees, just fyi. (They are invaluable positions that unfortunately don’t pay near what they should)I know this was asked to the women here, but as a man, I would like to give my feedback. When and if God blesses me with a wife, I would like her to be educated and have professional skills. Its not that I think she should work (though when there are no kids or the kids are spending days in school, I think some sort of job is probably a good idea) but rather so that she would have something to fall back on if something was to happen to me. My Dad use to be the primary bread winner when I was growing up but he got laid off from his job in 1981. Being that he was essentially an unskilled worker, he never was able to find a job that paid as much ever again. Thankfully my Mom was able to find a job with UPS and in the long run it was the best thing that ever happened to us as a family. All of the kids got scholarships from UPS, her health insurance has helped since my Dad became semiretired (he is 75 but doesn’t like not working). Unfortunately jobs for people with my parent’s starting skill set are much harder to come by these days. I would hate to think that if I became ill or died that it would wreck the chance for any kids I might have to go to college or for the family to loose the house or whatever.
So my thought is go to school. Even if you choose to start a family, go part time. You can take care of the kids in the day, and then your husband can watch them for a couple of hours a couple of times a week while you take one or two classes a semester.