Thank you to everyone for your suggestions and prayers.
Now another question: I am told that the Pauline Privilege may apply in this case, which would make the process somewhat easier than annulment.
My wife was not baptized at the time of her first marriage. She does not think her husband was either, but there is no way to prove it unless he offers some kind of testimony. He is unlikely to be cooperative.
So in a Pauline Privilege case, what kind of evidence is required to prove that neither spouse had been baptized? Any canon law experts out there?
As I understand it, the Pauline privilege only applies if both parties were not baptized at the time of the marriage, and subsequently one is baptized into the Church. If they seperate, the Catholic party can petition to dissolve the marriage.
I don’t think this applies here, since your wife is not the one entering the Church. Theoretically, you could ask for the Pauline privilege to dissolve your current marriage, but since your wife was previously married, I don’t think the Church would consider your marriage valid in any case. So, if you and your wife seperated, you wouldn’t need Pauline privelege.
You have a terrible situation, and I feel very sorry for you.
If you believe in the truth of the Catholic Church, I don’t think you have any option except to cease relations with your wife. Will your priest baptize you if you do this? If you believe what the Church teaches, that you are committing adultery, how can you continue.
Hopefully, seeing you are serious will bring your wife around.
I will pray for you.