Lord, hear our prayers for hopeful01!I continue to pray for
-A positive resolution in my favor in the criminal, civil, and administrative cases that I face.
-The M&M families and their lawyers , that they may be blessed with peace, love, joy, kindness, compassion, mercy and forgiveness… esp LM
-For the eternal repose of the souls of DM & FM
-For my lawyers, PB and HH, that they may be blessed with extraordinary knowledge, wisdom, skill, understanding, and an abiding concern for my welfare and well-being… That they may be able to get outcomes, results, ruling, orders, and pleadings that are positive in my favor
-That whoever committed the crime that led to DM being brought to us be caught or surrender
I ask all of these in the mighty name of Jesus, through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the saints. AMEN.