I’m a cradle Catholic, and I love my Catholic family. I’ve been growing deeper in my faith, and have run into stumbling blocks trying to reconcile the Church’s teaching on various issues. It is breaking my heart, and I don’t know how to work past it.
- I don’t agree that there is a theological basis for accepting NFP but rejecting other forms of contraception.
- I struggle to accept the practicality of calling all homosexual persons to a life of chastity (EDIT: I meant celibacy, sorry.).
- I don’t agree that Priests should be required to live a life of chastity (EDIT: I meant celibacy, sorry). Not only was this not always a requirement of the Church (Peter himself was married), but I also feel it creates Priests that cannot actually put themselves in their parishioners’ shoes. I feel the Church’s stance is more rooted in financial objections (how can we pay for Priests’ family expenses?) rather than in a moral objection.
- I struggle with the claim that the Church leaders are always infallible. They’ve changed their position on various topics throughout the centuries, which means that previous leaders were necessarily wrong on certain issues, correct? Is it really impossible for the Pope to make a mistake? We know that infallibility does not apply to their personal lives obviously (as seen in sex abuse cases), but is it realistic to believe that Church doctrine is ALWAYS infallible?
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