As someone that suffered from infertility, I can honestly say that many forms of “sterility” can not be detected until well into a marriage, and some times the cause is never discovered. Some people have absolutely no reason why they aren’t having babies, they just aren’t coming.Sterile couples can still get married even though it is impossible for them to fulfill the “primary purpose” of marriage.
God also has been known to gift children to the infertile. Often in our old age. Read the Bible to see some “barren” women who became mamas. I am one in our present day. I would love to take you to our adoption support group to meet other infertile women who adopted and later conceived. As long as the proper order is followed, it may perhaps happen someday.
The priest that married us told us the the actual name for the sacrament is Holy Matrimony, not marriage. Matrimony means “to make a mother”. The soul purpose of the Sacrament is to form a bond that is conducive to raising children. Whether or not children come is not truly up to us. We just can’t stand in the way of accepting them if God wills them to us.