Struggle with Rosary

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Read "The Secret of the Rosary" by St Louis de Montfort. You will be inspired to pray and pray and pray the rosary - guaranteed!

Satan hates the rosary. In speaking of Our Lady, Fr Corapi says “Yo mama wears combat boots…and we know who’s getting stomped when we pray the rosary!”

Mrs P
Mrs P:
Read "The Secret of the Rosary" by St Louis de Montfort. You will be inspired to pray and pray and pray the rosary - guaranteed!
I second that. I’m about done with the book, and it’s been very inspirational. 🙂
Thank God! YEAH! The Lord answered my prayers again!

Well, I was too struggling with the rosary sometimes. Not of mysteries, but my mind kept wandering… sometimes I would think of what I would do after I pray and stuff. My grandmother tells me it’s Satan which gets me harder to try stop wandering but sometimes it’s hard. I was about to post a topic like this when I read this. I just downloaded the virtual rosary thing… it’s awesome, especially with the prayer requests, but I don’t think I will be using it because I don’t I would be praying with my computer on.

I have to agree with thinking of pictures. I sometimes picture the Passion of the Christ scenes especially the parts that look very painful. I remember what he went through for me.

Thank you guys for all the advice!
Just keep going and be persistant.
Our Lord like the effort, NO MATTER, how dry it seems to you. Your prayers are being applied to people you don’t even know.

Our Lord is pleased for those who Pray on Fatih than pray on frustration.
Just making an effort to Pray IS pleasing to Our Lord.

I find the rosary somewhat dry but I say it every night before I got o bed. And there have been times that I have gone to sleep while praying the rosary. For that, that’s the best, that my last thoughts are on our Lord and the Rosary.

And what michael, suggested: I also pray the Jesus Prayer:
"Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have Mercy on Me, a Sinner.’
My Pastor suggests that I reoeat it about 600 times a day, use a rosary or an Eastern Catholic Chotki (chotki is like a rosary but it has a different number of beads on it).

What ever you decide, just keep going!
Wow! I’m glad I’m not the only one with concentration problems…I’m trying really hard to stay focused and it’s getting better… 😃
follow the guidance of our late beloved Pope and begin with the scripture. read the part of Luke’s (or John’s) gospel that focuses on the mysteries you are praying first. meditation and prayer should always follow scripture reading, and the rosary is one way to accomplish this. many of us happen to feel, or find by experience it is the best way, but it is not the only way. find someone who is used to lectio divina and learn from them. the benefit of the rosary is that once you have become immersed in the scripture and know it, the rosary can bring you immediately into that climate of meditation and prayer. Because it is given to us by Mary, it is a short cut, a direct route to contemplation of they mysteries surrounding her Son.
I’m still struggling but I’m getting much better. I have found that if I read through some pocket prayer books or look at my prayer cards that helps put me in the right mind set. Then I ask my Guarding Angel to help me with distractions. I invision him hugging me and wrapping his big wings around me. I also have to remember that it’s not a race so after I announce a mystery I pause and try to visualize myself there. Sort of like living Scripture. Also I have to say it daily. Hope that helps!! K.
I’v been praying the rosary all my many years. And struggling mightily. From John Paul II’s apostolic letter on the rosary has come some wonderful ways to pray the rosary. One I came across in Edward P. Sri’s book,“The New Rosary in Scripture.” It gives a wonderful mythod of praying the rosary even my 11 and 10 year old grandchilds liked!!! The Holy Father in his work says we should pause when we say the Holy Name of Jesus. Dr. Sri suggests we do that and then focus on just one line. For example, on the first hail mary of the annunciation mystery think (or say) after the name of Jesus, say: “In the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God.” ( I read one statement out of my bible.) Then: Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinner now and at the hour of our death, Amen. Start the next Hail Mary and pause at the name of Jesus and insert “to a city of Galilee named Nazareth.” and so on. I like to take the scripture and read the lines and then meditate on them. Some times I say the whole 50 beads on one or two mysteries.

The reason my grand kids like it is that we read the scene in the scripture when we start the mystery and after each Jesus, they took turns coming up with one statement of what we had read… It made them focus on it and they were learning, too.

If one just says one decade this way you can get a lot out of it Also, this helps when you pray without the bible in hand.
As recommended elsewhere on this thread, I strongly encourage you to try to say it every day. I can tell a huge difference in ym life between when I said it often, and now, when I say it every day (something I started this year).

Also, there are always good days and less good days…no matter how long your practice it regularly. I still have times when my mind wanders, despite my best intentions. Some times I struggle just to finish one rotation/ set of mysteries. And then I have great days, when I think wow! I never thought of that before or I just find a groove and it’s almost like a trance how peaceful the prayer flows and I don’t want it to stop, even when I have gone through all of the mysteries.

Have your tried saying it walking too? Or are you just sitting? Some times it is easier for me to concentrate on the mysteries if I say it while walking or running, than if I am just sitting inside. when I say it inside, I feel more prone to distractions.
Have your tried saying it walking too? Or are you just sitting? Some times it is easier for me to concentrate on the mysteries if I say it while walking or running, than if I am just sitting inside. when I say it inside, I feel more prone to distractions.
Oh my goodness!! I’m having such a difficult time SAYING the Hail Mary while THINKING about the mysteries… it’s as if my brain can’t do two things at once. Now you suggest I say the Hail Mary, think about the mysteries… while RUNNING??? :rotfl:

you totally overestimate my abilities!

(I always was one of those can’t walk & chew gum at the same time types)
carol marie:
Oh my goodness!! I’m having such a difficult time SAYING the Hail Mary while THINKING about the mysteries… it’s as if my brain can’t do two things at once. Now you suggest I say the Hail Mary, think about the mysteries… while RUNNING??? :rotfl:

you totally overestimate my abilities!
Different things work for different people. For the record, i can’t chew gum well at all. Always bite my cheeks.

But with the rosary, my problem is that while sitting and focusing on the mysteries and the prayers, it is easier for my mind to wander. But when running, my concentration is on breathing, not falling (or getting hit by a car) and the prayers and mysteries…no energy remains for the mind to roam. Too much concnetration needed for survival and praying.
I love the Rosary, and I know it is Our Lady’s favorite devotion in her honor, and I know that at Fatima she urged all Catholics to pray it every day. But I am TERRIBLE at praying the Rosary. My mind wanders continuously and I forget which decade I am praying and everything. It’s awful and I should be better at it, but that’s just the way I am. I do, however, pray to the Blessed Mother from the heart every day. Love, Jaypeeto
I like to say the Rosary in Latin, but I haven’t found a phonetic spelling for the Latin version of the Apostles Creed online. Can anyone help me out? I don’t speak Latin, and without a pronounciation guide, I’m lost! :whacky:
I like to say the Rosary in Latin, but I haven’t found a phonetic spelling for the Latin version of the Apostles Creed online. Can anyone help me out? I don’t speak Latin, and without a pronounciation guide, I’m lost! :whacky:
Here’s my version.

**òò **as in wood, foot, pull (PÒÒL sounds like pull)
**óó **as in too, boot
**oce **as in dose, adios.
**eece **as in fleece
And pronounce your short O’s as the British do, not like a Chicago o that sounds like the a in ‘far’!

Credo in Deum Patrem omnipotentem,
KRAY-doh in DAY-òòm PAH-trem om-nee-po-TEN-tem

Creatorem caeli et terrae.
kray-ah-TOR-em CHAY-lee et TERR-ay

Et in Iesum Christum, Filium eius unicum,
et in YAY-zòòm KRIS-tòòm, FEE-lee-òòm AY-yòòs ÓÓ-ni-kòòm

Dominum nostrum, qui conceptus est
DO-mi-nòòm NOS-tròòm kwee kon-CHEP-tòòs est

de Spiritu Sancto,
day SPEE-ree-tòòs SAHNK-toh

natus ex Maria Virgine,
NAH-tòòs eks mah-REE-ah VEER-jin-ay

passus sub Pontio Pilato,
PAH-sòòs sòòb PONT-see-oh pee-LAH-toh

crucifixus, mortuus, et sepultus,
króó-see-FIKS-òòs, MOR-tóó-òòs, et seh-PÒÒL-tòòs

descendit ad inferos,
day-SHEN-dit ahd in-fair-oce

tertia die resurrexit a mortuis,
TAYRT-see-ah DEE-ay reh-zòò-RECK-sit ah MOR-tóó-eece

ascendit ad caelos,
ah-SHEN-dit ahd CHAY-loce

sedet ad dexteram Dei Patris omnipotentis,
SAY-det ahd DEKS-teh-rahm DAY-ee PAH-triss om-nee-po-TEN-tiss

inde venturus est iudicare
IN-day ven-TÓÓ-ròòs est yóó-dee-CAH-ray

vivos et mortuos.
VEE-voce et MOR-tóó-oce

Credo in Spiritum Sanctum,
KRAY-doh in SPEE-ree-tòòm SAHNK-tòòm

sanctam Ecclesiam Catholicam,
SAHNK-tahm ek-KLAY-see-ahm kah-TO-lee-kahm

sanctorum communionem,
sahnk-TOR-òòm com-móó-nee-OH-nem

remissionem peccatorum,
ray-miss-YOH-nem peck-ah-TO-ròòm

carnis resurrectionem, vitam aeternam.
KAR-niss reh-zòò-rekt-see-OH-nem, VEE-tahm ay-TAYR-nahm.

And here is a link, maybe it will help:

Scroll down a little to the pronunciation section.
Oops. Don’t thank me too soon, I just spotted a mistake:

de Spiritu Sancto,
day SPEE-ree-tòòs SAHNK-toh

Should be
day SPEE-ree-tóó SAHNK-toh
There are other forms of prayer. The rosary is not for everybody.

St. Therese of the Child Jesus said that she found the rosary boring & so devoted focused on living her life as a prayer offering up even the smallest of sacrifices.
Someone posted a link to this web site earlier this month and I found it particularly helpful. With pictures for each mystery and a different reflection for each Hail Mary, it helps one to keep focused. It comes from their printed booklet Praying the Rosary Without Distractions.

Other people have suggested reading St Louis de Montfort which I would like to do some day as I’ve heard before that it is very helpful. However, I’m behind on reading many other books and I found this a quick way to get some help.
Someone posted a link to this web site earlier this month and I found it particularly helpful. With pictures for each mystery and a different reflection for each Hail Mary, it helps one to keep focused. It comes from their printed booklet Praying the Rosary Without Distractions.

Other people have suggested reading St Louis de Montfort which I would like to do some day as I’ve heard before that it is very helpful. However, I’m behind on reading many other books and I found this a quick way to get some help.
I was just browsing through this thread and was going to post that link also! This website has done wonders for me. I went to each of the mysteries, printed them off (complete with pictures and scripture references for each Hail Mary) and I use it every day. My husband and I will take turns leading the Hail Marys while the other one reads the scripture before each one. The pictures also help when my mind does try to wander.

I understand why some are posting that it’s not for everyone, but I disagree (in a friendly way!). I think that struggles are so good for our spiritual life and that rosaries are even more powerful to those who have difficulty and still perservere in saying it. I don’t think it is just for people that find it easy to pray. I used to dread saying the rosary, and only actually said it at funerals or at Mass while it was in progress. I can’t really remember what changed my mind about it, but I started trying to say it every day and had great difficulty, even remembering the mysteries. That’s why I looked it up on the internet, and voila! An answer to my prayers. Now I actually look forward to praying it. I never would have thought I’d be saying that, but it’s true.

Good luck with praying it and don’t give up!👍
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